The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 184,475,305 Issue: 466 | 22nd day of Collecting, Y12
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Continued Series

The Secret of Geraptiku: Part Six

"The magma Cybunny must have been put here by the dark faerie..."

by xaetear
High Society: Part Two

"Perhaps you can help me, Worthington," she considered. "Who is Mr. Jennings? I'm sure that's the key."

by herdygerdy
Magic Vs. Money: Part Six

At twenty-three minutes past seven on the evening of October 12, a brown Mynci engineer came in through the front door of NeoCorp headquarters.

by al_bester
The Sorcery Society: Part Five

"So, why in the world does a shadow Wocky such as yourself have my son's journal?"

by iris220_ll
Undercover Defenders - Swamped: Part Four

We still hadn't found any Bogberries.

by popso_the_hopso
Chronicles of the Chosen: The Last Battle - Part Four

"What do you want, Jhudora?" Kathryn asked, glaring at the Dark Faerie.

"To deliver a warning, perhaps," Jhudora answered.

by pretsel_is_back

The House on the Hill: Part Two

"Bruno!" the Skeith said, ushering his eldest son into the house. "Come in! How have you been?"

by izziemushroom
Princess Mind-Reader: Part Three

Kauvara cleared her throat. "What in the name of Neopia is going on?"

by thornfoot2
Story of a Zombie: Part Two

"Ugh, a zombie! What is he doing here?"

Also by alcatraz_the_amazing

by misshoginpitt

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Kat's Halloween Reads

Halloween is a time for spooks and scares, as well as sweets. This Halloween, after you go trick-or-treating, why not settle down for a few scary stories while you munch on the night's collected sugary booty? Kat has chosen 20 Halloween books for you to look into this season. Most of them you can buy at bargain prices either at the recently remodeled Magical Bookshop or through...

Other Stories


Third Times the Charm
Too late, Waddles!

by amysmother_8


"Where did you hear about pirate caves?" Mum asked.

Oops. I'd forgotten I wasn't supposed to mention anything to Katy.

by crazy_holly_ii


The Guide to a Perfect Neopian Holiday
Brightvale or Mystery Island? Take this quiz to find out!

by michelle_ou123


There is a whole array of higher and lower foreground items, backgrounds and other accessories that, when combined with the eye for fashion and honest enthusiasm, can turn a sad, drab pet into a Neopian Style Icon.

by bavardage


Hanso tries to make a little extra money...

by torib1016


How to save a spot on the party guest list part 3/4
You might want to remember these things.

by agentwerehog

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