Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 184,475,305 Issue: 466 | 22nd day of Collecting, Y12
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Short Stories

The Chomby Fight

Someday Jiad would be the chief of the Chomby tribe. This was an honor that should have been bestowed on Subro.

by thediractor

"Where did you hear about pirate caves?" Mum asked.

Oops. I'd forgotten I wasn't supposed to mention anything to Katy.

by crazy_holly_ii


I didn't believe in SoulOwners.

by chazer_rem
Something Worth Staying For

"I hate Maraqua!" yelled Verguenza the Baby Cybunny...

by naiyania
The Volunteer

I'm an only child and I'm not afraid to admit that I’m spoiled rotten.

by ohitsjessi
Rescue at the Museum

It had been almost three days since my younger sister, Ludroth the Darigan Peophin, had gone missing while visiting the Royal Museum in Sakhmet.

by blackghoulmon
The Frigid Dare

"Rissa! I dare you to slide down the slope of Terror Mountain- the really steep one- on your stomach. It would be the ultimate dare if you do it."

by qwerfvtgb
Third Times the Charm

Too late, Waddles!

by amysmother_8
The Unexpected Purchase

"Hu, how much is this plushie, exactly?" I asked nervously.

by np_faeries
Someone Is In My House

I heard a sound coming from the attic...

by hallie035

"I found her at the pound, looking as sad as can be...."

by writingdreams22
On Instinct

Being painted faerie and all, this whole "ding dong, the faeries are petrified" ordeal was not exactly flying with me.

by simplysochic
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Kat's Halloween Reads

Halloween is a time for spooks and scares, as well as sweets. This Halloween, after you go trick-or-treating, why not settle down for a few scary stories while you munch on the night's collected sugary booty? Kat has chosen 20 Halloween books for you to look into this season. Most of them you can buy at bargain prices either at the recently remodeled Magical Bookshop or through...

Other Stories


Wraith to the End: A Faeries' Ruin Battling Guide
You may have noticed some changes around the Battledome; don't be alarmed because this is a good thing.

by stoicjohn


A Comprehensive Storytelling Guide: Part Two
If there's not some sort of twist, revelation, or major action in your part, you probably didn't progress the story.

by phadalusfish


Story of a Zombie: Part Two
"Ugh, a zombie! What is he doing here?"

Also by alcatraz_the_amazing

by misshoginpitt


The Sorcery Society: Part Five
"So, why in the world does a shadow Wocky such as yourself have my son's journal?"

by iris220_ll


Oh to be Scary! Part 4
Can Snugglepluffs become scary enough for Halloween with some help from Key Quest?

Also by starluff

by yampuff


Recipe for Disaster #8
I KNEW you'd like it!

by prismfire

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