A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 135,120,763 Issue: 268 | 1st day of Celebrating, Y8
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Dangerous Petpets of Neopia

So you like petpets but they are all just totally harmless, REALLY boring, and won't do squat for your pet! Well, I'm here to show you some of the more dangerous ones and how to take care of them!

by basiliskx17
Inner Tubing for Dummies

Your guide to inner tubing down the waters we all know as Kiko Lake!

by vanillastar12
Queen Fyora's Guide to Status Symbols

It is I, Queen Fyora, in all her glory and glamour, writing to you from the Hidden Tower (and no, I won't tell you where it is).

by dan4884
All About Antwerphs

This article is about everything you could possibly what to know about that cute, little petpetpet-devouring anteater know as the Antwerph. Read on to discover the amazing beast.

by daburro
A - Z of Exquisite and Exotic Drinks

Fine diners of Neopia will tell you that there is nothing more satisfying than a gourmet drink at every meal.

by sparky63428
Guide to Professional Poking

I am here today to tell you all about the Neopian Olympic Poking Events, how to poke and how to become a champion...

by jumanjiki
100 Excuses Not To Clean Your Room

I'd like to share my best 100 excuses with you, for when YOUR owners yell about your messy rooms...

by petfriendamy
Apprentice Needed for Petpet Lovers

From tumbling rocks, falling stalactites, to riding on mining carts through lava, he's done it all.

by shinimi
Methods of Training

This guide is just here to explain to anyone who is interested in training up their pet for the wonderful world of Battledoming. I am going to explain 5 ways on how to make your pet the ULTIMATE FIGHTING MACHINE!

by pyrorockchik
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"My LAST Game of Round Table Poker" by merticulous
"Ready?" asked Nigel of Meridar. The room was silent. The damp from the stone floor penetrated the very air we were breathing. A slight wind could be heard from behind the wooden shutters. In turn, each of the players, including myself, nodded. He glanced down at the deck of cards which waited below him. Each card emitted a glow...

Other Stories


The Trouble with New Clothes
"Washing machine?" The Shop Wizard looked stumped. This, I decided, was a bad sign...

by forty2stars


Cheese Rolling
Meridell was too medieval for her taste. What Yokalli really wanted was to play games to earn a Mimbi, but nooooooo. She had to "explore" Meridell and see the culture of the medieval Neopets...

by silverswirl_1996


In This Together: Part One
"There's nothing to worry about, little sister," he told me, draping his paw around my shoulders. "You've got me. And we're in this together, don't you ever forget that..."

by rainbow_daydreamer


Rising Shadow: Part Eight
Through the haze of impending unconsciousness Lisha heard the shouts of the guards and the quieter flap of Draik wings, and above it all came the low, stony chuckle of her captor and the steady beat of his wings as he carried her away...

by sarahleeadvent


Why the no smiling thing?

by blue_lion_from_space


I wish I may, I wish I might...

by squire_genevieve

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