Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 135,120,763 Issue: 268 | 1st day of Celebrating, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Heroes never choose to be heroes. Sometimes circumstances require it..."

Poking Like a Pro

I am here today to tell you all about the Neopian Olympic Poking Events, how to poke and how to become a champion, so that you may participate in the NOPEs in Y12, which are going to take place in Shenkuu. It will take great skill, determination, and you will have to miss several meals, but hopefully, when you finish reading this article, you will be a poking champion...

Basic Inner Tubing

It is steering through obstacles such as whirlpools and arrows. It is (to most participants' horror) swimming through swamp water, it is - TUBULAR KIKO RACING! In this game, you have to help a Kiko named Kavi cross the finish line in first place! Sounds easy, doesn't it? But as I've already said in the first paragraph, there are many obstacles to cross. So, before you click that 'play' button...

All About Antwerphs

One of the most forgotten and unknown petpets - the Antwerph. You, the reader, do you know what an Antwerph even is? Based on the responses I get from people, I bet not. Well, lucky for you, this article is about everything you could possibly what to know about that cute, little petpetpet-devouring anteater know as the Antwerph. Read on to discover the amazing beast. Before we go into how to care for them, let's start back...

Other Stories
"Cheese Rolling" by silverswirl_1996
Yokalli dragged her feet as she walked around Meridell. It wasn't at all like her tropical home in Mystery Island where she could go and catch primellas, collect shells, and play Gadgadsgame. Meridell was too medieval for her taste. What Yokalli really wanted was to play games to earn a Mimbi, but nooooooo. She had to "explore" Meridell and see the culture of the medieval Neopets...

"My LAST Game of Round Table Poker" by merticulous
"Ready?" asked Nigel of Meridar. The room was silent. The damp from the stone floor penetrated the very air we were breathing. A slight wind could be heard from behind the wooden shutters. In turn, each of the players, including myself, nodded. He glanced down at the deck of cards which waited below him. Each card emitted a glow...

"Sisters Forever" by violet_nose
"Almost done..." Beda the small red Kougra smeared a rather large dose of glue onto the remains of an orange peel, and plastered it onto an indistinguishable blob, made from a great variety of odd items, from grass blades to Usuki doll ears, from dung to Neopoints. Beda beamed with pride at her work of art. Then she frowned. "There's something missing..." she muttered to herself. "But what?"

How About Some Holiday Cheer!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Advent Calendar
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Something has happened.

by cannonsmbt


Please Sir, May I Have S'More?
Hurray for puns!

Idea by firegirldesigns

by xxdemexx


Rising Shadow: Part Eight
Through the haze of impending unconsciousness Lisha heard the shouts of the guards and the quieter flap of Draik wings, and above it all came the low, stony chuckle of her captor and the steady beat of his wings as he carried her away...

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Shad and Saura: The Story of Elversti - Part Four
Only a ladder led down to the bottom of the room and Shad quietly sent a mental plea to all good spirits and forces that would happen to float about around there. Ladders weren't his specialty...

by ssjelitegirl


Paint Brush Panic!
Xweeon refuses to be anything but yellow.

by green_roc

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