Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 97,025,825 Issue: 191 | 21st day of Hunting, Y7
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Island Babe and Friends: A Cure for Bloaty Feet

by syas82301

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Major Malfunction #19
"The Toy Shop Lupe"

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Upon the Walls is a Powerful Rage: Part Three
For some reason, the water failed to seep through the crack under the door. Soon enough, the water level had reached Ginger knees...

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The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity
Immediately after I left Faerieland, I embarked on a frustratingly long and torturous search all over Neopia for the little blue plushie's story. Here is exactly what I found…

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A Tutor of a Different Sort
"Um," Mala began, more than a little confused. "I think that my owner wants me to have math lessons, not cooking lessons."

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