A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 110,063,363 Issue: 180 | 4th day of Running, Y7
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Petpet Drolleries

by linnipooh

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What So Ever
Welcome to the crazy house...

by rubia_flame


Observations of the Wild Tigermouse
Without warning, I hear a sound, scritch, scratch, scritch, scratch! My eyes open just in time to see a red blur flash across my living room floor.

by resurrectedwarrior


Hold-up At The Robo-Jello-Snow Convention!: Part Two
The first-ever Robo-Jello-Snow Convention seemed to be going down a treat, and was highly successful both for business and the general community that a second Convention was a sure bet. There were even rumors that it would be an annual event!

by tambourine_chimp


The Chronicles of Rohane: Which Glitch?
Who knew that Mipsy was into Cartesian philosophy?

by ledsrevenge2

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