Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 197,128,178 Issue: 965 | 29th day of Swimming, Y24
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Meridell Takes the Cup

by sophitell101

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This Month in the News
"Though life in Neopia during much of the year tends to be quiet and relatively consistent (here's waiting for you, next beta update!), there are periods where the world goes through far-reaching and momentous changes."

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The Merits of Meridell’s Stinkiest Attraction
"A lot of Neopians were thrilled when the chance of rare items spawning at Meridell’s Rubbish Dump increased significantly. If you’re willing to sift through some smelly trash, you could walk away with something valuable!"

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The Coming Out Ball
"The knocks on the door were sharp and quick, in a frantic manner that spoke of urgency. The White Poogle that opened the door darted her eyes around the lavishly appointed bedroom, nervously wringing her hands on her apron."

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Nightline ACN
An interview with team captains of Meridell and Darigan Citadel, post-Altador Cup.

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