A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 197,128,178 Issue: 965 | 29th day of Swimming, Y24
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Short Stories

Images of Vullards

"In some of the old paintings of the war, I saw Vullards. They circled overhead, they lurked on fences and parapets. I asked my father why, once. He used to be a knight."

by jaudaran
A Meridell Celebration

"Within the castle walls of Brightvale sat a jolly sort of king, on a beautiful throne that was as beautiful as the kingdom he ruled. He was notably as green as the kingdom itself — a jovial old Skeith whose eyes shone bright and whose laugh sounded merry."

by sleepiestkitty
Ruby Road

"There were few things Rohane desired more than a quiet weekend. Time to unwind. Eat a wonderful, home-cooked meal. Play with his little nephew. Relax."

by parody_ham
The Coming Out Ball

"The knocks on the door were sharp and quick, in a frantic manner that spoke of urgency. The White Poogle that opened the door darted her eyes around the lavishly appointed bedroom, nervously wringing her hands on her apron."

by herdygerdy
Un día en Darigan//One day in Darigan

"Yo vivo aquí a pesar de tener un clima difícil porque siempre está oscuro, e incluso cuando no lo está, el cielo esta nublado. No todo está maldito en cierto modo este lugar tiene su encanto."

by clari_hikari
Robbie And The Rubbish Dump

"Robbie, the Blue Ixi, dug his spade into the ground and rested his head on the handle, letting out a huge sigh. Sweat dripped from his brow. He couldn't believe how hot it was! Above him, the sun blazed in the clear blue sky."

by tallydepp

"The sun is sinking behind the trees, casting the entire marketplace in long shadows. Merchants are packing away their wares, folding down tables and chairs, and taking down signs. Most customers have already cleared out. Only a few linger behind, haggling and bargaining for that final elusive deal."

by alphachicky
An Old Friend

Lord Darigan meets with an unexpected guest.

by therock4678
Making (and Remaking) Darigan History

"A Yellow Xweetok in a checkerboard top, thick-framed glasses and plaid skirt were glued to a bulky and round screen. In bold letters, the show exclaims, “DARIGAN CITADEL WINS!” Her mouth slides to a slant as she raises a paw to adjust the comically nerdy glasses."

by homsar_eggplant
The Reawakening

"Dirt and grime and ache spread through the weary, soggy bones of the commander. His sword felt like the weight of the world in his right hand; his armour the weight of the people. His people."

by kat212121
Conversations with Xandra

"The following is a never before released unredacted record of some conversations between Queen Fyora and Xandra during her time in Faerieland. Neomails and in-person conversations are also labelled as such. Such records were obtained by the Neopian Times under the Faerieland Public Records Act."

by black_skull725
Hearth of the Realm

"Young master, you crawl out of the wood pile right now before we have to knock it all apart to fetch you ourselves!"

by liouchan
A Castle Cries

Not every story ends happily, and sometimes it seems like the end, but it isn’t. After the period of one family ends, another sparks to life. Draikriel and Draikslye discover an unexpected treasure inside the decaying Keep of White River.collab with indiigoe

by rosemmary

"Their land is a peaceful one. Prosperous. Ruled by the benevolent and wise Lord Darigan. Those who live in the dominion know nothing of wars, nor famine, nor plague. Why would they? The Orb in their courtyard keeps all ills at bay, casting a protective glow about the Citadel's inner walls."

by birdinggal
Neither Here Nor There

"Blend in. Blend in, blend in, blend in. The Purple Cybunny darted back and forth, moving the spiked and twisted Darigan vegetables from packing crates to the dim store shelves so fast that they seemed to float through the air by themselves."

by nut862
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"An Old Friend" by therock4678
Lord Darigan sat perched atop his throne in his dark castle on a gloomy morning. Rain pittered against the clouded windows and black stone that made up his home. His bony knuckles cracked quietly as he clenches and relaxes his hands. His eyes focus on nothing in particular as his mind wandered, as it tended to do after the theft of the orb that belonged to him and his people.

Other Stories


The Tri-Kingdom Games
"Twenty years ago was when the fate of three kingdoms changed. When Lisha and her friends inadvertently travelled back in time and intervened in the first Meridell-Darigan War, it prevented the destruction of those two kingdoms and Meridell’s sister kingdom, Brightvale; the change to history bringing them all forward in time inside a time bubble."

by pikachu315111


Meridell versus Darigan: Where are they now?
A lighthearted take on the Meridell Darigan war characters!

by alien_1155


Ghosts of the Past - Part 1
“'What do you mean, your battle is nearing your end?' Torvald’s eyes were wide in confusion."

by fallingdaybreak


The Return of Destiny - Part 9
the riveting conclusion! collab with sportsagain and noelia_pets

by venused


20 Years Later
How does Lord Darigan feel about this big anniversary?

by alien_1155


More delusion than Illusen!

by andypopo

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