Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 196,766,106 Issue: 940 | 16th day of Swimming, Y23
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Parallel Neo-verses

by roxanna203

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Something Has Happened! When Dreams Make No Sense
Stranger things have happened…collab with honorrolle and hilary_duff_fan_16

by superkathiee


An Eggs-istential Interview with the Giant Omelette
A Surreal Interview with One of the Treasures of Neopia

by fox_confessor


The Dream at Illmoor
The dream of that awful, haunted night will stay with me forever. Perhaps by relating my account, I might be free of such thoughts, but I have little hope of that after so long...

by herdygerdy


A Plushie Bruce's Story
Robinisha's first memory was of being in a factory...

by swordlilly

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