The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 196,766,106 Issue: 940 | 16th day of Swimming, Y23
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Surreal Estate Agents!

Tired of your boring old Neohome?

by andypopo
What time is it?

It is time for surreal puns!

by chlo26
The Struggle is Surreal

Those everyday Apple Bobbing problems

by mousebroker
A Lenny Conundrum

A desert lenny finds herself in over her head. Collab with thabos and ghatna

by rawbeee
The Son of Kyrii

The things we do for fame... Collab with use darkobsession

by ohsnap_syndrome
Parallel Neo-verses

Why does everyone have a different magma time? Collab with friends_rock2135

by roxanna203
Pile O' Bones: The Meaning

What's the meaning of life?

by cassanthia
T3h Praedius

Two dimensions is plenty!

by arttimo
The Chazz - Rumour

SURELY these beings don't exist right..?

by shellshocks
Topsi's SURREAL dream

Oh no!

by whitezea
Why Do We Have Hands?

There are many reasons... Collab with mikurubeam297

by riparu
The Treachery of Pipes

Caution: Do NOT play Sewage Surfer here Collab with andymanak

by silakbo
Royal Pain: Space Soda

Now in [REDACTED] flavour

by winner19955
The Surreal Exhibition

Have you ever felt that your painting was staring back at you? No? Well, now you have! Collab with fishmas and sunbathr

by acara_575
Surreal Sickness

You've gotta be pulling my leg... Collab with t0tor0.

by truebrony
Two Conflicting Worlds~

Made to help celebrate the Surreal NT Collaboration~

by praline01
A Big Misunderstanding

He misheard but still did his best!

by pequepanda
Down the Cybunny Hole

What lies beyond the mysterious entrance? Collab with theofloppy4135 and timothy1692

by verna_
PrePAWSterous: Surreal Idea

How do baby pteris even eat?

by pau_meow
Le fils de le Ghost Lupe

Everyone knows how much the Ghost Lupe likes Chias... Collab with cisko116

by baiuki
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"The Dream at Illmoor" by herdygerdy
I did not perform exceedingly well in my final Neoschool examinations. I suppose, you might say, that was the cause of it. The reason that I was drawn to that dreadful place all those years ago. It does little good to dwell on the possibilities of what could have been, but I find in those quiet, empty moments of twilight, my mind will think of nothing else. The dream of that awful, haunted night will stay with me forever. Perhaps by relating my account, I might be free of such thoughts, but I have little hope of that after so long. With little prospects in Neopia Central and parents who were judgmental in that gentle, unassuming way about my academic failure, I took whatever opportunity to get out of that stinking, polluted city that I could. It was a fashion in those days for young folk to take roles in companies as door to door salesmen. It was a time before Neovision had properly taken hold in the populace, and lies - or rather, exaggerations - about a product’s virtues were easily sold on the doorstep. Neopia Central had only just opened its borders to the boundless lands that lay beyond. The entire globe was an unbridled frontier of opportunities. I gained employment as such a salesman for Fawcett Manufacturing, the company that makes the patented E-Z Brand of consumable goods.

Other Stories


The Nightmare
Maldice is trapped in a deep slumber, and it's up to Walda to save her!

by _brainchild_


Mel the pink Xweetok wakes up to find a very different Neopia than the one she remembers...

by bex2633


An Eggs-istential Interview with the Giant Omelette
A Surreal Interview with One of the Treasures of Neopia

by fox_confessor


The Surreal Recipes of the Cooking Pot
Get your aprons on and mad scientist goggles fastened as we check:The Surreal Recipes of the Cooking Pot!

by pikachu315111


A Hero's Ballad: The Knightmare
“I swear it was an accident,” Kayla began again, her voice shaking, “I didn’t mean to trap Rohane in a dream!”

by parody_ham


The Adventures of Fanny in the Land of the Bizarre
Today was the day Fanny would find an Aquaberry. She breathed in and could taste hopeful anticipation in the dry, dusty air – an air just waiting to be filled with the joyful tribulation of finding a fruit of such precipitous precipitation.

by rielcz

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