Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,549,696 Issue: 772 | 10th day of Running, Y19
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Royal Oddness

by mistyqee

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Yet Another Reason to Become a Royal
Uh...I guess...

by my_bento_box


The Newen House: Royalty
Even royals have responsibilities.

by newenglandquizzer


We Are Made of Choices
Perhaps not so much reading, as reminiscing. His paw pads traced the titles on the spines of the history books, reminding him that he actually remembered so much of what they called “history” these days. In Neopia, he thought, heroes never died—they just went away for a while.

by cosmicfire918


Inside the Neopian History: Leaders of All Time
Neopia has countless of leaders: from Governors to Kings and Queens, all of them rule their land with passion and strength. If you want to know a little more about them, just keep reading!

by maga_m

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