Meow Circulation: 194,549,696 Issue: 772 | 10th day of Running, Y19
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Blossoms ~ Secrets: Part One

Long before even my time...

by twillieblossom
King of Pranks

Why so serious?

by keruza
Uncrowned: Part 3

Your one true ruler has returned.

by mucka33
Yet Another Reason to Become a Royal

Uh...I guess...

by my_bento_box
Royal Oddness


Also by winner19955

by mistyqee

James and Jane: Kanrik

Never dis on Kanrik. Ever. There will be consequences.

by chasing_stars44
Shenkuu's Hospitality

Something has happened!

by rickrelics
The Newen House: Royalty

Even royals have responsibilities.

by newenglandquizzer
Shellshock'd! REBORN: Part One

He's baaaaack~ And out for revenge!

by krabbox
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Ex Altador Cup Players

Where are those players who used to play in the Altador Cup? What about their lives? Do they plan to make a comeback? What have they been up to all these years? Of course I’m thinking of fan favorites like Bertie Shurtz from the team Mystery Island and Babolino from team Faerieland. So, I decided to take my notebook, my golden feather and head up to the different locations where these players live to see if I could get some interviews.

Other Stories


Somewhere, in that untouched dust, somewhere a pilgrim wandered in search of Coltzan’s Shrine or Qasala’s lost riches, or…something. Some treasure. Some beautiful treasure hidden in Neopia.

by emblo93


Of Sisters and Queens
Whack. Whack. Whack. Whack. Whack. I followed the sound of what seemed to be a great clatter to where mine sister was repeatedly hitting her head against the wall. She did not look pleased. “Aerlliin, what art thou doing?” I flinched as she continued the action. “Dost that not cause thee Pain?”

by skutterbotched


Citizen’s Complaints About Their Rulers & Leaders
Most if not all the current rulers and leaders are revered by his or her people. However not everyone may look upon their ruler or leader with high regards. Whether they had been personally wronged, feel they aren’t fit to rule, or just don’t like them, every ruler and leader has a group of citizens who have complaints about them.

by pikachu315111


An Interview with Ex Altador Cup Players
So, I was sitting at my house in Faerieland and I wondered. Where are those players who used to play in the Altador Cup? What about their lives? Do they plan to make a comeback?

by abinorm05


The Beast: Part Three
Had “The Beast” had a door put in the side and changed his mind? What kind of “Beast” puts an easy entrance on the side of its evil lair? They hadn’t even vocalised any of these questions, but all of them had a lot of questions about the doorway.

by zirr

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