Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 193,938,194 Issue: 724 | 18th day of Running, Y18
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Something Has Happened!

by certifiabletrash

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Great stories!


Durian Difficulties: Part 2
Prickly on the outside, cuddly on the inside

Also by bha288.

by joslucca3000


Random Oddness
This isn't possible!

by mistyqee


Illusen’s Thoughts On Jhudora’s Bluff Rewards
I interviewed Jhudora on her day to review the Illusen Glade rewards. With it being Illusion Day I thought it would be only fair to have Illusen do the same with Jhudora Bluff rewards! I asked Illusen and she was quick to agree, seemingly eager in wanting to talk about Jhudora’s rewards.

by pikachu315111


The Terror in Terror Mountain
Huh, seems nice to me. *shrugs*

Also by lyndsey4657

by pinksrainbow

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