There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 193,894,417 Issue: 722 | 4th day of Running, Y18
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Unwanted Invitees

by likelife96

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I'm a water Lutari who's lived her entire life in a network of caves deep under the ocean. I've never seen the sky, or the sun, or other people—except for my mum, but that one is a given for most kids, isn't it? I sleep in a bed of warm, blue sponge—magic, no doubt—and go fishing once a week with my mum for what she calls the "necessities." I play with various things my mum says come from the "surface," and occasionally the odd plushie that pops up in the fishing hole.

by peronalodis


Petpet Show Off
Well, that's interesting...

Also by erianoillim

by saudadesdagripe


Count Von Roo's Deadly Hour
It's all starting to make sense.

Also by azusa_k

by brooklyn3223


Life As A Kad: Sleeping
Kads so as Kads want.

by anniversarium

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