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Gorgeous Gelert Items

Gelerts are quite popular Neopets, and with good reason. They are extremly loyal, once you have earned their friendship, they will never leave your side. Gelerts are also very brave and would never hesitate to save their friends and owners from danger. But they`re mostly peaceful creatures who love to play

by aleu1986
A Dearth Of Dung?

Here is a list of all the dung wearables that the players are hoping for in the future. The quirk about this list is, these items already exist, albeit not in wearable form! Will you turn these items into wearables, dear TNT? Let's cross our fingers that they someday will!<

by indulgences
Top 10 Items for Fyora Fans

Fyora, being the most powerful and most beautiful faerie in all of Neopia, let alone being the queen, has a lot of fans. But every fan needs the right gear to show their support. With over 100 Fyora themed items, it can be hard to figure out where to start, what items are the best, and what you can afford. In this article, I will tell you 10 great items sure to please every Fyora fan, with something to fit everyone’s budget.

Also by flawedlovers

by 987654321_hj

An Overly-Complicated Analysis of the Slushie Shop

Your complex guide to Happy Valley's Slushie Shop

by pep364
How To Care For Your Elderly Neopet

A sudden loss of balance and a stumble into the Rainbow Fountain is all it takes. Before your very eyes, your once sprightly, bouyant Neopet with their thick, lush, shiny fur/scales/hide (delete as appropriate) will emerge no longer glowing with youth and energy, but hunched over and wizened, wrinkly and crinkly, grey or balding, aged almost beyond recognition! "Get off my lawn!" they'll croak at you angrily, whilst you stare at them wide-eyed in shock, mouth agape in surprise.

by tallydepp
Water Faerie and the Healing Springs: No Cost Cures

Most days on neopets, things can go pretty smoothly. You take care of your pets like any good owner would do, yet all it takes is for one single outcome to change the schedule of things from normal to haywire. One moment you can be taking your pet(s) exploring and then all of a sudden, you turn to look at your neopet and what's that, bud? You are sick with Hoochie Coochies? What in the world? How can that be?

by hkequeen
The Scrivener's Survey

This Scrivener has come out of anonymity to share with all of Neopia, via the Times, the inside scoop on books I’ve read! For truth! For justice! For informed book buying! (And also because the Defenders of Neopia, in no uncertain terms, told me to switch to a more “conventional” method of spreading literary information. When Judge Hog speaks, you listen.)

by cosmicfire918
Throwing the Perfect Neopian Times Party

If you love the Neopian Times as much as we do, then you have considered throwing a party for no reason other than to celebrate it! If that’s the case, then we would absolutely love to aid you in your endeavor.

Also by drobit.

by bha288

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"Acquaintances" by theschizophrenicpunk
Brightvale castle is almost always silent, especially once the moon rises. Early to bed and early to rise makes Neopets, uh... something, something, and wise. Roberta's heard her uncle recite that proverb a million times over, but she always forgets how it ends. Mostly because she wants to. After all, there's nothing she loves more than staying up late and reading a book by candlelight, kept company by the beautiful light of Kreludor, the chill of the evening air, and the sound of the waves crashing down upon the Brightvale coast just outside the castle walls. Yet still, she has a curfew. Which is ridiculous, she thinks, considering she, you know, saved the world and all. But Uncle Hagan seems to think that heroes still need a bedtime, and need guards constantly posted outside their door, and need all lights to be out by 11:35pm NST every night, on the dot. But what fun is that?

Other Stories


I'm a water Lutari who's lived her entire life in a network of caves deep under the ocean. I've never seen the sky, or the sun, or other people—except for my mum, but that one is a given for most kids, isn't it? I sleep in a bed of warm, blue sponge—magic, no doubt—and go fishing once a week with my mum for what she calls the "necessities." I play with various things my mum says come from the "surface," and occasionally the odd plushie that pops up in the fishing hole.

by peronalodis


Brightvale castle is almost always silent, especially once the moon rises. Early to bed and early to rise makes Neopets, uh... something, something, and wise. Roberta's heard her uncle recite that proverb a million times over, but she always forgets how it ends.

by theschizophrenicpunk


Janet and Jane: The Case of the New Addition: Part Two
"What?" James asked. His eyes grew to the size of saucers. "Already? I literally just got here!"

"Don't worry, James. You'll do fine," Jane comforted. "Vandalism cases are usually pretty easy to solve, so it's the perfect case to start you off with."

by chasing_stars44


Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Days Yet to Pass: Part Five
Kristy and Chloe sat in the sun room, looking out into the gardens below. Chloe looked down at her mask, which she was holding in her hands. There were so many questions, and she didn't even know where to begin. Kristy sat there patiently, waiting for her to be ready. Chloe looked over at her.

by kristykimmy


Meteor Crash Site 725-XZ
I'm gonna poke it with a stick.

Also by spooky_pie

by ketchup547


Unwanted Invitees
Um, how exactly did you get put on the invite list?

by likelife96

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