Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 193,894,417 Issue: 722 | 4th day of Running, Y18
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Short Stories


Brightvale castle is almost always silent, especially once the moon rises. Early to bed and early to rise makes Neopets, uh... something, something, and wise. Roberta's heard her uncle recite that proverb a million times over, but she always forgets how it ends.

by theschizophrenicpunk

I'm a water Lutari who's lived her entire life in a network of caves deep under the ocean. I've never seen the sky, or the sun, or other people—except for my mum, but that one is a given for most kids, isn't it? I sleep in a bed of warm, blue sponge—magic, no doubt—and go fishing once a week with my mum for what she calls the "necessities." I play with various things my mum says come from the "surface," and occasionally the odd plushie that pops up in the fishing hole.

by peronalodis
Mystery Island Traveller's Diary

Oh what a beautiful day! Gone are the dreary clouds and bone-chilling humidity of Shenkuu’s late spring, and arrived are the hot sun and blue skies of Mystery Island. The airship ride from Shenkuu to a small island off the coast of Moltara, and the subsequent boat ride to Mystery Island, was very enjoyable. As we lost elevation, the damp air dried and the clouds dissipated, paving the way for sun, sun, and more sun!

by mucka33
Usuki Singing Stars #31: Lola Minds Her Manners

“Nope,” said Lola. Her smile widened. “Ms. Butterworth has invited me to an elegant dinner at Kelp! She’s taking me because she’s been so proud of my Neoschool grades.” Patricia and Sparkles sighed enviously. Kelp was the fanciest restaurant in all of Neopia! Located in Maraqua, the restaurant had a reputation for serving the most exquisite entrees, the delicate china plates in the dining room and being one of the few places in Neopia where Neopians could dress up in their best clothes and jewellery.

by downrightdude
Adventures in Mystery Island

Dappletail, a young female Glowing Uni, woke up. It was a beautiful blue-skied day in Mystery Island, her home, and she could smell the ocean breeze coming in from her opened window. Looking outside it, the palms swayed in the breeze and there were even a few wild Taigars running about.

by dunefurandlilypelt
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"Mystery Island Traveller's Diary" by mucka33
3rd Day of the Month of Relaxing, Y18 – Day 1 - Oh what a beautiful day! Gone are the dreary clouds and bone-chilling humidity of Shenkuu’s late spring, and arrived are the hot sun and blue skies of Mystery Island. The airship ride from Shenkuu to a small island off the coast of Moltara, and the subsequent boat ride to Mystery Island, was very enjoyable. As we lost elevation, the damp air dried and the clouds dissipated, paving the way for sun, sun, and more sun! My accommodations here on the Island are modest but comfortable. I rented a small hut near the beach, five minutes away from the main town district. Palm trees sway in the gentle ocean breeze, much different from the gnarled oriental trees of Shenkuu. The ocean, too, is a pleasant background noise, akin to the rushing rapids of my home but much softer. And oh, the sunsets! My first night’s sunset here was a gorgeous painting of pink and purple from horizon to horizon. This trip is going to be amazing, I just know it.

Other Stories


A Dearth Of Dung?
Here is a list of all the dung wearables that the players are hoping for in the future. The quirk about this list is, these items already exist, albeit not in wearable form! Will you turn these items into wearables, dear TNT? Let's cross our fingers that they someday will!<

by indulgences


An Overly-Complicated Analysis of the Slushie Shop
Your complex guide to Happy Valley's Slushie Shop

by pep364


Janet and Jane: The Case of the New Addition: Part Two
"What?" James asked. His eyes grew to the size of saucers. "Already? I literally just got here!"

"Don't worry, James. You'll do fine," Jane comforted. "Vandalism cases are usually pretty easy to solve, so it's the perfect case to start you off with."

by chasing_stars44


The Adventures of Trina: The Glass Key: Part Three
Cassie frowned. “She didn’t show up for class today. Is she sick?”

“Can’t be—she was fine yesterday. More than fine, actually. I’ve never seen her so happy, not since…” she dropped to a whisper, “well, when we joined the pirates.”

by ummagine3284


Eclectic Antics: Winter
We all have that one friend.

Also by parody_ham

by amarettoball


Fair Weather
You can't fit.

by willowraynelake

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