Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 193,894,417 Issue: 722 | 4th day of Running, Y18
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"Adventures in Mystery Island" by dunefurandlilypelt
Dappletail_13, or just Dappletail, a young female Glowing Uni, woke up. It was a beautiful blue-skied day in Mystery Island, her home, and she could smell the ocean breeze coming in from her opened window. Looking outside it, the palms swayed in the breeze and there were even a few wild Taigars running about. She lived with her three siblings, two older and one younger. Her two older siblings were her sisters, and her one younger sibling was her little brother. They all loved each other very much and were great friends. Dappletail's beloved petpet was an awesome Plushie Slorg named Stonefish, and he was her best friend. Well, except for her best friend that seemed to be showing up just about now. Her second oldest sister, a Starry Tuskaninny named Streamflight, suddenly entered her room. "Noah's here, like always," Streamflight announced. “Ready to go on another one of those explorations you two always do.”

Other Stories


Mystery Island Traveller's Diary
Oh what a beautiful day! Gone are the dreary clouds and bone-chilling humidity of Shenkuu’s late spring, and arrived are the hot sun and blue skies of Mystery Island. The airship ride from Shenkuu to a small island off the coast of Moltara, and the subsequent boat ride to Mystery Island, was very enjoyable. As we lost elevation, the damp air dried and the clouds dissipated, paving the way for sun, sun, and more sun!

by mucka33


Usuki Singing Stars #31: Lola Minds Her Manners
“Nope,” said Lola. Her smile widened. “Ms. Butterworth has invited me to an elegant dinner at Kelp! She’s taking me because she’s been so proud of my Neoschool grades.” Patricia and Sparkles sighed enviously. Kelp was the fanciest restaurant in all of Neopia! Located in Maraqua, the restaurant had a reputation for serving the most exquisite entrees, the delicate china plates in the dining room and being one of the few places in Neopia where Neopians could dress up in their best clothes and jewellery.

by downrightdude


The Scrivener's Survey
This Scrivener has come out of anonymity to share with all of Neopia, via the Times, the inside scoop on books I’ve read! For truth! For justice! For informed book buying! (And also because the Defenders of Neopia, in no uncertain terms, told me to switch to a more “conventional” method of spreading literary information. When Judge Hog speaks, you listen.)

by cosmicfire918


Gorgeous Gelert Items
Gelerts are quite popular Neopets, and with good reason. They are extremly loyal, once you have earned their friendship, they will never leave your side. Gelerts are also very brave and would never hesitate to save their friends and owners from danger. But they`re mostly peaceful creatures who love to play

by aleu1986


Count Von Roo's Deadly Hour
It's all starting to make sense.

Also by azusa_k

by brooklyn3223


A Thief's Life - Eyebrows
Biyakos. So majestic.

by yoshisislandbandit

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