A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 193,467,272 Issue: 689 | 10th day of Swimming, Y17
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The Kiddie Krusade: Omelette

by fancypants200

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“I intend to destroy Moltara City, the surface lands, even the space station and above. All the way to the top if I must. The purity of the core must be kept.”

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Exiuz, a Checkered Mynci, had always dreamed of becoming an investigator for lost petpets, but it wasn’t in his plans to become one in the Haunted Woods. But regardless of how he felt about being transferred from the serene Mystery Island to the creepiest place imaginable, he had to set those feelings aside and focus his mind on the matter at hand.

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“Great! Aaren is learning how to be a good friend…but he still isn’t comfortable around others."

“It doesn’t come naturally to everyone, you know.”

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