White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 193,467,272 Issue: 689 | 10th day of Swimming, Y17
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The Great Turmaculus

by mousebori

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The Door Closes: Part Six
Clouds of sand lash through the sky above, staining most of it orange and a few scarce threads of it red. For the first time, I feel like something I'm going through could be a dream in my dreamless life. So I blink once. Twice. Three times.

Art by ellbot1998

by ellbot1998


Detective Alisha: Sparky is Missing! 7
Together at last!

by roxanna203


Sewage Surfer
Good, wholesome fun.

Also by furafa.

by msjanny


Well That's Not Fair
All of the work, none of the glory.

by chylaira

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