Meow Circulation: 113,881,443 Issue: 159 | 24th day of Gathering, Y6
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Red X-Donations Galore

by shadowcristal

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Unveiling Brightvale
From the beautiful landscape and intelligent atmosphere to the pleasant shops and Wheel of Knowledge, I fell in love with the place. But there was also this weird feeling in the back of my mind about it. Everything just seemed too perfect, too smart and precise.

by violinoutoftune


Destruct-O-Match II Tactics
Although the two games are very similar there are a few differences, firstly and most obviously the bonus block, which can do a range of things from adding another row of boulders to destroying boulders...

by ladee_sarah


Nice Puppy?
BOW BEFORE THIS...hum...queen?

by asusse


The Legendary Books of Neopia
There is a various collection of books in Neopia which all have their own quality and their own theme. Some books in Neopia are more rare than others, some more expensive, and some are just more unique.

by kippykat64

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