Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 143,499,168 Issue: 300 | 13th day of Swimming, Y9
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Battledome Follies

by verdego

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A Good Home
"Leave me to die," said Norion, twitching his tail as he watched his owner filling out the forms in front of Dr. Death...

by shadow_sabre_


Waiting Out the Storm: Part Two
"Wasn't he such a jerk?" she muttered under her breath to Patricia and looked over to her left. The Uni wasn't there. Jenna spun back and saw to her anger that Patricia was talking to the jerk...

by mew_mew_matrimony


Every Month the Same
Yes, life is not easy for Usuls. o_O

Idea by maple4ever

by siri_magatsu


300 Reasons Why Not to Own a Petpet
Happy 300th Issue to all!

by rach84150

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