Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 143,499,168 Issue: 300 | 13th day of Swimming, Y9
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Short Stories

The Number Three Hundred

Of course Issue Three of the Neopian Times was the easiest to find. In fact, some people begged us to take their copy...

by kittygirl5170
Alima's Tales: The Unlucky Day

"I'M TELLING MOM!" Before Manya could shoot back a retort or even defend himself, Tolli had scrambled to her feet and run off...

Also by lady_xayla

by renrenthehamster

Revenge of the Golden JubJub

"Well, down here on Neopia, we have a little thing called the Neopian Times which just so happens to be the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE..."

by tashni
The Big 300 and Other Issues

The deadline for issue 300 was tomorrow and Mr. Dennison, Mark's boss, was counting on his article...

by playmobil_is_my_life
The Issue 300 Break

"Overworking, or overplaying?" asked the faerie Acara as she turned towards the kitchen. "Kat might just be playing Neoquest for all we know..."

by precious_katuch14
I Heart You Too

When I sit alone, hidden by the shadows, the world comes rushing in but I push it out...

by blackcairn
A Good Home

"Leave me to die," said Norion, twitching his tail as he watched his owner filling out the forms in front of Dr. Death...

by shadow_sabre_
The Eye of a Newshound

Kiyoshi Paco sat in the rain. It was a nice night, and the rain was falling in a fine drizzle...

Art by tamia_silverwing

by tamia_silverwing

The Great Petpet Fair

Each year was different from the last, and previous winners included a Maraquan hasee, a rainbow candychan, an island niptor, and controversially...

by clotho
The Three Hundredth Weewoo

First off: how to disarm the alarm. The quandary itself should have been theoretically impossible; alarms existed for this very purpose...

by goosher
Life Isn't About Waiting for the Rain to Pass

The Christmas Pteri sighed again. Her mother could brighten up anything, she knew. She and her mother had used to live together on Krawk Island, but since that day, since that typhoon, long ago...

by dragondreamer2007
Three Red Roses, Times a Hundred

"What do you mean, you don't do flowers?" Roxton yelled at Captain Rourke, causing the many other patrons of the Golden Dubloon to turn around and shush him...

by silent_snow
Behind The Scenes

The white Weewoos were sitting on the roof of the Neopian Times headquarters as well as on the branches of nearby trees, cooing at each other...

Also by ssjelitegirl with art by ssjelitegirl

by dan4884

The 300th Trial

Overall he was usually a walking disaster area. Some people went to the Mystery Island training school to learn how to be a warrior or a hero. James wanted to go to the training school to learn to be...

by ngc_5128
The 300th Chapter

"Tonight," said Miss Juppie, "you will be writing a two-page paper on what makes this your favorite book..."

by kemppotatoe
By Novalight

Usually when a new Nova came into Neopia, people were friendly and excited...

by yellowsugardog
Hannah and the Pirated Comic

A strange Mynci carrying a large briefcase stepped up to the counter. "Excuse me?" he said loudly, and when Hannah did not look up, he started tapping the table. "Can I get some service?"

by myfallenrevival4
Of Storms and Crumpets

Rain fell in torrents across his window and another lightning flash illuminated his room. The light flickered for a second before coming back on...

by punctuation_ninja
A Change of Heart

"Why do you need to do your crazy gardening?"

by ahseenam
A Birthday at Sea

Rose said I can visit you! I'll be there in 5 days, just like you suggested. I will be taking a flying ship called the Pflying Pfish, so meet me at the dock in Shenkuu!

by costa_rican_girl
Search the Neopian Times


Neopian Times History

Thousands flock to get the latest copy while it's fresh off the stands. But what do these readers really know about the Neopian Times and its history? Shouldn't Neopians possess such knowledge already before calling themselves fans of the newspaper? Well, lucky for you, I've taken the time to gather the scoop on the Neopian Times and its past. When did it begin? What makes Neopian Times Issue 3 so special?

Other Stories


30 Ways to Celebrate 300
Throw a parade! Get all of your friends and march up and down the street, playing musical instruments and tossing copies of the Times to the crowd!

by taipeiss


Cleaning Your Neohome - The Right Way!
What if I told you that you could clean your house and still manage to have a good time doing it? Absurd, right? I think not!

by ginelga


Curse of the Werelupe: Part Four
The Kau continued to stare at her and she began to feel unnerved. "Well, aren't you going to ask my name?" the Kau said sadly. "Because that's what polite people usually do..."

by rachelindea


Undisguised Devotion: Part Two
"Run -- run away?" she stammered. "He can't have. He can't have!" Her voice rose to a hysterical shout...

Also by ch0c0lat3kik0

by scubadive5


Weewoo Magic
*goes to SDB of Doom*

Art by musiclives2001

by splenetic


Sloth's Do's
Rock Star.

by conniewan3

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