teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 143,499,168 Issue: 300 | 13th day of Swimming, Y9
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You Made It to the Market! Now What?

You've finally done it – you've built your shop up until it's visible in the marketplace! Nice job! Now what?

by otherlleft
Welcome to Altador

Welcome to Altador, ruled by eleven heroes. In this article, we will talk about this magnificent land, who are some of the citizens are, what people do for a living and more!

by jockylocky
Why We Love the Neopian Times

I'd like to point out the wonderful features that kept us writing, reading, drawing, and enjoying the Neopian Times for 300 great issues...

by ummagine3284
Why? How? Could? The Unasked Questions of Neopia!

To write this article or not to write this article? That is the real question.

by _kamouflage
Why There Are Keyrings by Vjenda the Kyrii

The elderly blue Shoyru was a walking testament to the colorful variety of keyrings in Neopia. Even the pert eyeglasses atop his nose had keyrings dangling from the temples...

by vjendary
The Pain of Getting an Interview on the 300th Issue

First up, we have Bruno, Sophie and Gilly from the Tale of Woe Plot...

Also by garu_and_pucca

by imperial_magna

What Kind of Neopian Times Fan Are You?

Are you a crazy obsessed super-fan or a Neopian Times destroyer?

by popso_the_hopso
Neopia's Top Ten Femme Fatales!

They are Neopia's sneakiest, most villainous women. Maybe villainous is a bit of an overstatement, but these shady characters are certainly people you wouldn't want to run into...

by readsalot4211
Bubble Trouble?

The aim of the game is to clear the screen of those pesky Faerie Bubbles in as few shots as possible. The fewer shots you have to use, the bigger the bonus you'll get...

Also by doughnut215

by pyrorockchik

Issue 300: Nightmare in Neopia! [LIVE!]

In the last few days, several hundred entries have flooded into the building and battered editors. They are swimming in a rainbow pool of comics and stories...

Also by aidan_hood

by scenette

The History of the Neopian Times

Back in the day, Issue 4 old, the original slogan of the Neopian Times was For an easier life. Hey, that sounds really nice...

by zuziafruzia
30 Ways to Celebrate 300

Throw a parade! Get all of your friends and march up and down the street, playing musical instruments and tossing copies of the Times to the crowd!

by taipeiss
So You Want a Ghost Pet?

Doing what any sane pet or person would do, you scream like a headless Peadackle, flap your arms wildly, and leap into the relative safety of your pet's arms...

by jshark105
Summer Resolutions

It's the beginning of a new year in Neopia, and that means resolutions!

by susankidwell
Six Simple Steps to Help You Write a Story for the Neopian Times

Writing is an extremely enjoyable activity and is an excellent way to exercise your creativity. It is also very hard work!

by dragonlover8560
Sweets, Treats, and a Tooth Faerie Visit

Sugary candies and chocolate covered fruit have taunted the Tooth Faerie for ages...

by lemonlovingcutie
Stowing Away a Stowaway Trophy

The goal in this game is to use Scrap (the main character) to cover every square of the board with a certain color by jumping onto them...

by elementmario222
Cleaning Your Neohome - The Right Way!

What if I told you that you could clean your house and still manage to have a good time doing it? Absurd, right? I think not!

by ginelga
Search the Neopian Times


30 Ways: Celebrate 300

Welcome, one and all, to the 300th edition of the Neopian Times! So much has happened in the past one hundred issues. Great adventures have been told, gut-bustingly funny comics have been drawn, and many articles about every topic under Kreludor have received virtual printing. So how, you ask, do you celebrate this milestone in Neopian Times history? Look no further! Here are thirty great ideas for how to have fun...

Other Stories


The Three Hundredth Weewoo
First off: how to disarm the alarm. The quandary itself should have been theoretically impossible; alarms existed for this very purpose...

by goosher


By Novalight
Usually when a new Nova came into Neopia, people were friendly and excited...

by yellowsugardog


Abandoned: Part Five
She waved the doll in the air frantically, and it took Taite a moment to realize what was wrong. Yes, Flight Attendant Usuki was fully outfitted with perfectly groomed fur, but there was one thing missing...

by goldenpaw


The Disappearance of the Heiress: Part Two
She had been here only two days, but that was still sufficient time to muse over the most ridiculous mistake of her life. Despite the rough Zoltan and the sneering Ymer, she wasn't afraid ...

by merimiram


Happy #300!
Two mischievous pets that just want to give their owners a special surprise for the 300th issue!

Idea by pineapple_apple

by xo_madison_ox


Oh dear
It was Friday the 13th; something bad was bound to happen.

by invalid_character

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