For an easier life Circulation: 143,499,168 Issue: 300 | 13th day of Swimming, Y9
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Continued Series

Waiting for Anna: Part Eight

No one seems hurried or anxious about anything. Everyone is smiling, trading nods with friends and strangers. Anna doesn't belong here, and she knows it...

by extreme_fj0rd
Let Darkness Fall: Part Six

"Emperor Kass! Emperor Kass!" the people chanted. Their adoration gave him strength, and he met Jeran's attack with a devastating series of blows...

by feriku
Abandoned: Part Five

She waved the doll in the air frantically, and it took Taite a moment to realize what was wrong. Yes, Flight Attendant Usuki was fully outfitted with perfectly groomed fur, but there was one thing missing...

by goldenpaw
The Travels of Mijjol Lightwielder: Part Five

"Uh," said Mijjol, struggling to keep the door still. "I've come." BOOM. "To rescue." BOOM. "You." BOOM. BOOM.

by yoyote
Etana the Coward: Part Four

"Have you brought news?" Winch enquired, his hard voice edged with a strange, hopeful note. Etana stiffened. She had to do it; she had to save Brogan. But something stopped her...

by xialavin
The End of the Rainbow: Part Four

"Don't tell me, tell Joy." Mossiku laughed, pointing to his owner. His owner. Had he really just referred to her as that?

by littlej001
Curse of the Werelupe: Part Four

The Kau continued to stare at her and she began to feel unnerved. "Well, aren't you going to ask my name?" the Kau said sadly. "Because that's what polite people usually do..."

by rachelindea
Undisguised Devotion: Part Two

"Run -- run away?" she stammered. "He can't have. He can't have!" Her voice rose to a hysterical shout...

Also by ch0c0lat3kik0

by scubadive5

A Fiery Friendship: Part Three

Flame turned and walked away and, after he had taken one last glance at the waterfall and the archway, Corran followed him. Wait, an archway?

by kandeegrrl
The Disappearance of the Heiress: Part Two

She had been here only two days, but that was still sufficient time to muse over the most ridiculous mistake of her life. Despite the rough Zoltan and the sneering Ymer, she wasn't afraid ...

by merimiram
Smurdnunoc: Part Two

Lennert, the Lenny, was busy scribbling something down on a piece of paper when the Pteri approached. Looking up, Lennert glared at him. "Finally!" he shouted. "It took you long enough!"

by buddy33774
Fenny Vail: The Story Behind An Underdog - Part Three

I was so excited. I even skipped breakfast to get to school early. Lilo would be getting back to me on the tryouts during my study hall, which was my first class of the day...

by superdate
Waiting Out the Storm: Part Two

"Wasn't he such a jerk?" she muttered under her breath to Patricia and looked over to her left. The Uni wasn't there. Jenna spun back and saw to her anger that Patricia was talking to the jerk...

by mew_mew_matrimony
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30 Ways: Celebrate 300

Welcome, one and all, to the 300th edition of the Neopian Times! So much has happened in the past one hundred issues. Great adventures have been told, gut-bustingly funny comics have been drawn, and many articles about every topic under Kreludor have received virtual printing. So how, you ask, do you celebrate this milestone in Neopian Times history? Look no further! Here are thirty great ideas for how to have fun...

Other Stories


The Issue 300 Break
"Overworking, or overplaying?" asked the faerie Acara as she turned towards the kitchen. "Kat might just be playing Neoquest for all we know..."

by precious_katuch14


The Eye of a Newshound
Kiyoshi Paco sat in the rain. It was a nice night, and the rain was falling in a fine drizzle...

Art by tamia_silverwing

by tamia_silverwing


Why? How? Could? The Unasked Questions of Neopia!
To write this article or not to write this article? That is the real question.

by _kamouflage


Issue 300: Nightmare in Neopia! [LIVE!]
In the last few days, several hundred entries have flooded into the building and battered editors. They are swimming in a rainbow pool of comics and stories...

Also by aidan_hood

by scenette


Speck the Speckled
The bank was robbed... again!

by cheetah_kougra


Silly Paws!
How was your appointment?

by pirate_ahoy

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