The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 134,591,299 Issue: 278 | 9th day of Awakening, Y9
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Commendably Done!

by snuggles_n_huggles

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Neopian Bloopers
I just invented something great!

Art by bluepen

by kidagakash_nedakh


Fanmail for Jhudora
She shuddered at the thought of a Jhudora Appreciation Day. She didn’t want to be appreciated. She wanted to cause terror and panic...

by star_29791


The Best, the Worst: Of Holidays
Okay, so the big holidays are over. New Year's is done and gone, and your resolutions are probably forgotten on the floor. For the most part, you have squeezed every ounce of celebration out of these holidays. But you want more.

by kelszozo


Just Different, Just MorningGlory
Early_MorningGlory sat at the window, watching the rising sun paint the pure white snow pink and gold. The yellow Lupe was curled up on the window seat, wearing an old fashioned dress. She was scribbling away on a piece of paper, attempting to ignore the chaos issuing through out the rest of the house...

by squareular

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