The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 134,586,010 Issue: 276 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Kooky Absurdity

by tsukuyomaru

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The Mirror of Memories: Part One
There were tons of people crowding the house, and I immediately ran upstairs to try and find some of my friends who I knew would be there. Some people stared at my slippers as I climbed the huge staircase...

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Legend Seekers: Mysterious Magic - Part Two
The air was suddenly full of sounds – all loud, but none crisp or clear. The howling of the wind, the steady thump-thump-thump of Pemero's pulse as he stood half-paralyzed and a primal, heart-rending shriek...

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Why Isn't Anyone Joining My Guild? (Part 2)
There are numerous factors. This time I dedicate my piece to a person who ultimately makes or breaks a newborn guild: the leader.

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Kawaii - Meridell
On second thought...

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