Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 135,120,763 Issue: 268 | 1st day of Celebrating, Y8
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Sibling Rivalry

by evilpuppyangel

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Dangerous Petpets of Neopia
So you like petpets but they are all just totally harmless, REALLY boring, and won't do squat for your pet! Well, I'm here to show you some of the more dangerous ones and how to take care of them!

by basiliskx17


The Far Side: Part Two
"I always thought, 'some stranger is going to walk in that door, any minute now, and paint me Faerie so I can fly away.' I thought that everything would just magically fix itself, the way it does in fairy tales..."

by redcod323


Methods of Training
This guide is just here to explain to anyone who is interested in training up their pet for the wonderful world of Battledoming. I am going to explain 5 ways on how to make your pet the ULTIMATE FIGHTING MACHINE!

by pyrorockchik


You know you should feed your petpet when...

by edddibgaz

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