Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 119,635,638 Issue: 241 | 26th day of Hunting, Y8
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by saphijaze

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Royal Pain
How do I look? The royal Poogle smiled at her own little joke, admiring herself in a small, gold plated hand mirror. Perfect, as usual...

by hugthepinapple


Glass Stone
The Obsidian Dagger was the thorn in the side of the rich, but no hero of the poor. One person profited from what he did, and he was the one doing it...

by neesboy


Nothing is As it Seems: Part Three
"Has anyone considered telling them the truth? Fyora will listen!" Rance said hopefully, desperately. "She has to!"

by estantia


Sticky Situation
Once upon a time...

Drawn by glowing_banana

by drewcr2525

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