The Forgotten Faerieland: Part Two by ewagon
Baelia laughed wildly at the thought of pretending that
Tuirsa was a traitor to Faerieland. What could be more perfect justification than
calling Tuirsa a traitor in front of everybody, but now she had to figure out
how to get everybody in one place at once.
Tuirsa paced around in front of Xewwy. "Something
is wrong. I don't care about my feelings or whatever, something bad is going
on, and a dark faerie is bound to be the cause of it. How typical!" Tuirsa growled
slightly in frustration.
"I have to figure out what this is, but what
faerie is the most likely to do something bad?"
Xewwy couldn't resist joking lightly, "You mean
maybe all of the dark ones?"
Tuirsa attempted to chuckle but wasn't in the
mood. "Thanks for trying, Xewwy. The only dark faeries I know by name are Jhudora
and Baelia. Jhudora is in enough trouble with Fyora right now, so I'd bet my
wings that Baelia is causing all of this."
Xewwy suggested, "Perhaps we should go to Fyora?"
Tuirsa shook her head. "No, not Fyora because
we have no proof… But maybe Luce will help us! You know how she can't stand
the way dark faeries plot and scheme!"
Xewwy danced around. "You're right! I remember
her saying that she investigates the affairs of dark faeries like every week
to see if one of them is planning something. This would be perfect."
Tuirsa and Xewwy went together to visit Luce.
They knocked on the door of her home, which was small, yet when they entered
it, it seemed to grow about five times that which it was outside. The walls
were a bright yellow and there wasn't a dark thing in the room. This was typical
for the home of a light faerie.
Tuirsa tentatively spoke to Luce first. "Luce,
I fear that Baelia is somehow planning the downfall of faerie pets. I don't
know how I know this, but it's a deep feeling I have."
Luce nodded. "That makes sense. You're so deeply
rooted as a faerie pet that you can feel when someone is trying to remove that
from you. However, how can I be sure that you're right? It's not like I can
go up to Baelia and ask her what she's planning."
Tuirsa looked slightly embarrassed. "That's
sort of our problem. We can't confront her, but otherwise how can we know that
she's even planning anything?"
Luce thought about it. "I may know what to do.
But first, we have to go to the Wheel of Excitement."
Luce practically dragged Xewwy and Tuirsa with
her as she jogged to the Wheel of Excitement. She waved her hand and 250 neopoints
entered the collection box by the light faerie who ran the wheel. Luce gave
the wheel a hard spin and explained the situation to Xewwy and Tuirsa.
"Here's how we'll know. My spin will produce
only one of two possibilities. Either we will win 10,000 neopoints as a sign
that all is well, or we will land on the picture of a dark faerie and we will
know for certain that Baelia is up to something."
By the time Luce was finally done speaking,
the wheel was slowing down. The threesome almost seemed to glare at the wheel
as they saw it finally stop spinning with the pointer right at the dark faerie
space. They ran off before something could happen to them and they quickly navigated
the Faerieland streets until they reached Luce's home.
Luce warned Tuirsa and Xewwy, "I'll take care
of warning Fyora; you must stay out of the way at all costs! There's no telling
what Baelia will do if she can get near you. You may not know it, but you're
the most powerful Faerie pet. Whatever happens to you will affect every Faerie
pet here. It's nearly impossible to understand because of its complexity and
simply the time it takes to explain it, so I won't try. Just know that it's
of utmost importance that you stay away from Baelia no matter what happens!"
Tuirsa nodded in submission and stood with Xewwy
as they watched Luce fly away to Fyora's castle.
Luce burst through the castle doors as she cried
out with fear accenting her voice, "Fyora, Fyora, come quickly! I have news
concerning Baelia and her cruel deeds!"
Fyora knew the sound of Luce's voice and came
running to meet her.
"What are you talking about, Luce? What's Baelia
up to now?"
"I was warned by Tuirsa that Baelia may be planning
something. I didn't tell her quite how much. Baelia is planning to get all the
pets in once place so that she can recite one of her blasted poems and turn
all faerie pets to grey! Tuirsa is the first one she wants to do it to!"
"How was it that Tuirsa came to know all this?"
"Ah, my queen, but Tuirsa doesn't know which
is almost the problem. She only knows that someone is planning something, but
she knows not what and she barely knows whom. She is defenseless. I ordered
her to stay away from Baelia at all costs."
"That was wise, Luce. Now we must go to Baelia
now and stop this!"
Luce and Fyora rushed off to find Baelia and
stop her from her wicked plans.
Baelia was speaking to herself again. "I'm almost
there. I have everything planned except for getting all the pets together at
once, but I'll leave that last part of my plan to Fyora." Baelia grinned madly
and almost pranced when she went to answer her door.
Tuirsa gasped; Baelia was up to something. She
spoke quickly and quietly to Xewwy, "I don't care what Luce said, but Baelia
is going to rip off Fyora's wings, I don't know why, but I can feel it. I have
to stop her!"
Xewwy didn't stand in her way and whispered,
"Do what you must, but remember that for whatever action you take there is going
to be a consequence."
Tuirsa nodded, realizing the truth in her friend's
words. "Be that as it may, I'd rather lose my wings forever than live as I am
knowing that I could have stopped Baelia from doing this to Fyora."
As Baelia opened her door she was blinded to
see Luce in all her radiance as well as Fyora at her door. Baelia groaned and
moaned as she spoke. "What are YOU two doing here? Don't you have other matters
to attend to?"
Fyora replied coolly, "No, I don't."
Baelia grinned. "Very well, this is your decision,
not mine."
Baelia instantly forced Luce against a wall
and transported her to Fyora's dungeon so that it would take her quite some
time before she had even a hope of coming to Fyora's aide.
Fyora glared at Baelia. "You won't get away
with this."
Baelia grinned yet again. "Oh, and who do you
think is going to stop me?"
This seems rather cheesy now, but this is what
happened so you should know. You should also know that this instance is probably
what was the base for so many other familiar lines, but I'm getting past the
point here.
Tuirsa butted the door open with her horns and
merely glared at Baelia while saying once, very softly, "I will."
Baelia rolled her eyes and snorted. "Just how
do you think you're going to do that?"
Overconfident, Baelia turned her attention to
Fyora. She forced Fyora around and was about to rip off her wings when she shrieked
with pain. It felt as if her back was separating from the rest of her body and
she knew instantly what had happened. Not willing to abandon her plan, she yelled
out at Tuirsa, "You miserable little traitor! I thought you were on my side!
How could you do this to me! You told me that you would keep Fyora from escaping
once I had her caught!"
Baelia continued raving like this as she lost
all the beauty that she had once adored. As her last bit of envy and hatred
left her for sorrow and pain, she muttered one last time, "You traitor."
Fyora had no problem sending Baelia to her dungeon
and bringing Luce back, but Tuirsa's problem was another one altogether.
Tuirsa was sent away for her own trial and wasn't
allowed to even speak of what had happened. Not to her knowledge, both Fyora
and Luce believed that Tuirsa was innocent, but she hadn't defended herself
when she could, and they had no choice but to take that as her admission of
I remember watching Tuirsa slowly walk up before
every pet and faerie. Her admirers turned away in disgust at what they thought
Tuirsa had done. Fyora spoke with the voice of a true leader.
"The faerie council had ruled this faerie Ixi
named Tuirsa guilty to charges of conspiring with a dark faerie for the downfall
of others. Her sentence is to have her wings removed and to forever be banished
to Neopia."
The crowd was silent as Fyora walked with a
heavy heart to Tuirsa and removed her wings. Tuirsa wanted to cry out in pain,
but she didn't. She chose to keep that pain inside of her, which was mostly
because of the change that was overtaking her.
When Tuirsa was walking toward the edge of Faerieland,
Fyora quickly and quietly came to her, "I believe you're innocent, though I
had no choice in the ruling this time. Do you want to at least sometimes be
as you once were?"
To be continued...