Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 90,555,864 Issue: 166 | 12th day of Storing, Y6
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by dragon_heart_101

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Great stories!


A Student of Spirit
There have always been the lucky few who, devoting their lives to the art of combat taught by the Techo Master, are allowed to live at those hallowed halls, gaining insight and skill for free -- or so they think. Rather than paying in codestones, they pay in labor.

by inyuchan


Gilbert the Poogle: Part Two
It was almost a whole week since the change, and new Poogle soon came to realise that the transformation of colour species was more than just an alteration of skin-deep exterior appearance. With it went his pride and his self-esteem, his confidence and respect.

by scarletrhapsody


Freedom and Glory: Part Two
His greatest wish was to beat Raife at anything, even once, just to show himself that he could do it, and feel more justified that the admirable Lupe would call him a friend.

by laurelinden


When Bad Shoyrus Go Awful: Part Two
"And what about a Petpet? And could I," she paused, and I knew what was coming. "Could I get painted?"

by babyangelchick18

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