Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 111,611,307 Issue: 221 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y7
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Mootix Madness Crossover!

by 0523ck

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Once Upon a Christmas Morning
The young, sapphire-eyed white Acara could never be seen without a whistle on her lips, a skip in her stride, and a merry twinkle in her eye. Every waking moment was spent counting the presents at the base of the tree...

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So On and So Forth
I'll keep that in mind...

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For Christmas I want...

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12 Pains of Christmas
Waiting in lines is one of the biggest pains. You get a present, then you must wait in a 10 hour line. When it’s finally your turn, the store closes! Man!

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