Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 111,611,307 Issue: 221 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y7
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New Series

The Inn: Part One

It was a Christmas Eve most would prefer to not remember later on. It was cold and damp outside, and a blizzard was stirring up...

Also by dan4884

by chocolateisamust

Falling into the Pot - Edna's Story: Part One

My mother and father were standing outside the tent of a Neopian Seer. They decided to step inside for a bit from the cold...

by shrinkme
The Darkest Faerie Rises: Part One

She was a young dark faerie who hated who she was. She did not want to be evil or cruel; she thought that it was not fair that she could not decide what kind of faerie she was to be...

by ewagon
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"Christmas on the Citadel" by kushbi
It was only two hours to the Day of Giving. All around Neopia, squeals of excitement and anticipation filled the air. In stark contrast, the floating citadel was silent. Lord Darigan had decreed that whoever chose to make his wretched land their home had to abide by one rule: No Festivities...

Other Stories


A Winter's Tale
It was extremely rare for there to be any snow in Mystery Island, even in the winter. Bain loved the snow...

by eeyores_tail7


Peas and Carrots: the Zebinator
"When I release this baby," Phloosh told Zebie, "we shall rule over all of Neopia, you and I. I shall be KING!"

by costa_rican_girl


The Art of Giving
With so much many choices when it comes to gifts and wrapping, I thought you might need some help.

by shadowcristal


Pressing Your Luck with Black Pawkeet Slots
Sure, you can pay the bills for your neohome, buy food for your pets, and maybe even buy some codestones to train them. But your measly savings are hardly enough for that paint brush you've always wanted.

by tessd1891


Edna's Christmas Carol
Marry Christmas everybody! ^_^

by smockey11


A Very Stuffed Abode: Christmas Special!
How is that spelled again?

by 0523ck

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