Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 155,374,126 Issue: 208 | 16th day of Gathering, Y7
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Legends of Neopia

by iriswind

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Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Avalon’s Apprentice - Part Two
Avalon stared at Quaz, alarmed. "My apprentice? Already?"

by cpmtiger


How to Get Invited to the Chocolate Ball
Mmmmm, chocolate, something everyone knows and loves. Chocolate is so popular these days that there is even a ball for it!

by sevlow_12


Mightier than the Sword
A single Krawk stumbled along the beach. He was clearly a pirate, like most of the residents of Krawk Island. Keen eyes searched the unwieldy beach for a hiding place, finding none...

by hmlanden


The Neopals

by roxanne_vergara99

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