The Faerie Pet: Part Three by nut862
I was too shocked at the Acara's sudden exclamation to
say anything. Me, a "chosen one"? Or, I should say, the chosen one? And I was
a "faerie pet" who was going to somehow restore the Water Faerie queen? I didn't
even have wings, and I hadn't ever met this Acara before, not to mention the
fact that I'd never even seen the queen.
I don't know why I even stayed there instead
of flinging open the trapdoor and never coming back to the palace again, but
something about the Acara made me stay. Her wholly gentle appearance that seemed
to be radiating kindness and truth convinced me not to ignore her words, but
how could they possibly be true? I was no chosen one. I was an ordinary blue
Flotsam named Floater. How could I possibly restore the queen to her throne?
The Acara was looking more excited by the second.
"It is true! You are the one that the prophecies speak of! I have read the prophetic
writings in the library many times, and there can be no doubt. You are the faerie
"I…I…" I stammered, not knowing what to say.
I hardly wanted to disappoint her when she looked so happy, but I had to tell
her that she'd gotten her information wrong or something, because I was definitely
not going to be saving a queen anytime soon. That was out of my line of work.
"I should tell you the story of this palace,"
the Acara said, seeming to calm down a bit.
I perked up at this. I certainly wanted to hear
the history of this magnificent kingdom. "Yes, please tell me. Who was your
queen, and how did she get overthrown?" I asked eagerly.
"I will tell you," the Acara said placidly. "Naiyania
is her name, and she was the kindest Water Faerie ever to exist anywhere in
the oceans of Neopia. Not only was she true of heart, but she was powerful,
and determined to aid the struggling pets of the seas. She built this palace,
a safe haven where good and true pets who were able to venture into these depths
could learn from her teachings.
"She taught them not magic, as you might learn
from other faerie teachers, but the pets under her rule all learned to be good
and pure of heart, with her help. Her kingdom was strong, and separated from
the rest of the ocean by a tunnel, at the end of which was a boulder to keep
stray pets from coming in. Only kind and true pets could enter her sanctuary,
and her subjects were not permitted to leave, but they didn't care. There is
a large area of ocean surrounding this palace, and they were allowed to go there
at any time. It was all under Naiyania's rule.
"All, that is, except for a small patch of land
at the edges of the sea, where a group of Jetsams lived. They had been there
to begin with, before Naiyania came, and now they refused to leave. They resented
the Water Faerie queen for coming and taking the land that they had formerly
patrolled. Naiyania did not allow the Jetsams to cross into her territory, for
she knew that the Jetsams were evil. They were in league with the Dark Faeries,
and any pet who supports those evil beings is known as belonging to the Darkness
among faeries.
"Hate built up in the twisted minds of the Jetsams.
They despised Naiyania and all her subjects for being good. They claimed that
all they were mad about was the fact that they were confined to a tiny patch
of the ocean, but that was not true. It was the fact that kindness had spread
through the vast area of this part of the ocean, and the Jetsams couldn't stand
for that. They wanted to destroy Naiyania from the moment she built her palace.
"The Dark Faeries were all for it. They hated
Naiyania for being the sweet Water Faerie she was. And the Dark Faeries granted
the Jetsams the power to imprison, to seal away in a place of darkness from
which nobody can escape without help. And it must be help that comes from a
faerie, or one with faerie powers. No ordinary pet can break through the prison,
and once inside, it is impossible to escape on your own no matter what your
strength or ability.
"The Jetsams began attacking immediately. With
the powers of Darkness to use, they were able to cross the borders into the
ocean kingdom and took any pet they saw captive. Naturally, these pets were
palace subjects. Naiyania watched with horror as the good, kind creatures that
she had taken such care to select and teach all vanished practically before
her eyes. She did what she could to stop the Jetsams from entering her domain,
creating a barrier that they could not pass, even with their Dark abilities.
"But the Jetsams still had the pets that they
had captured, and those pets could not escape from their prisons. Naiyania couldn't
let those pets remain captive, it being her rule that if any pet has the chance
to aid another, they must do it. And Naiyania could free them. She had more
than enough power to destroy the prison and release the pets. So she swam off
through the sea, towards the Jetsams' small corner of the ocean, intent on freeing
the pets.
"Little did she know that the Jetsams had laid
a trap for her. They expected her to come after the captives, and were waiting
for her. She knew the danger, but she also knew that her powers were greater
than the Jetsams'. Unfortunately, she had no time to use them, and they sealed
our queen away in darkness, never to return, or so they hoped.
"With Naiyania gone, the barriers protecting
her kingdom also vanished, and the Jetsams were free to enter what had been
her ocean sanctuary. The Jetsams now were hardly Jetsams anymore; they were
pawns of the Darkness, carrying out the Dark Faeries' evil deeds under the sea.
They captured as many pets as they could find, which was almost all of them,
leaving the palace desolate and empty. I was the only one who escaped, for I
stayed in the palace and they could not enter it. But many years passed with
the palace subjects and Naiyania imprisoned."
The yellow Acara stopped talking at this point.
I was horrified. Her tale sounded like something out of a tragic storybook.
I could hardly believe that the Jetsams had done such a thing. I shivered to
think of how I had agreed to help that Jetsam I'd met. So he was with the Dark
Faeries…I had never taken the time to learn much about faeries, but I knew enough
to be aware that Dark Faeries are bad. They are intent on evil and destruction.
"That's…awful," I said, searching for a stronger
word to describe how I felt about the whole event. "I guess you can't go save
"I do not have the power," the yellow Acara replied.
"I am a palace subject, taught by our good queen Naiyania, but I am still a
regular pet."
"But…" Something about the Acara's story confused
me. "But how did you escape the Jetsams, then? You stayed in the palace, but
why couldn't the Jetsams enter it? They could get into the rest of the kingdom
when she was captured, so why couldn't they get into the palace?" I asked.
"That is where the Sea Sapphire comes in," the
Acara said. She turned her gently shining eyes on the royal blue jewel, sitting
regally on its pedestal and glowing with power. "There were prophecies regarding
Naiyania's downfall. She did not want to lose her palace, so she took this rare
gem and sealed a great deal of power in it. Then she put the gem in this secluded
room of the palace, and sealed the entrance so that only a palace subject or
a Water Faerie, or one with such faerie powers, could come in.
"In the event that she was overthrown, the gem
would be activated, and would keep the barriers and other magic activated around
the palace. For Naiyania's own power is enclosed in this jewel, and the pedestal
on which it rests feeds its power to the palace. The power is carried through
the pedestal into the floor and distributed through the walls of the palace,
so that no evil can enter.
"But if the Sea Sapphire were ever to be removed
from the pedestal, the power would be cut off. And if that happened, this palace
would be vulnerable to destruction by evil." The yellow Acara looked at me,
and I half expected her to be glaring at me accusatorily, but her eyes were
gently shining with compassion. Even so, I felt guilty.
"I'm sorry," I murmured, ashamed. "I had no idea
that the whole palace is supported by this one jewel…" But then, how could I
have? It's not as if every building in Neopia has a gem repelling evil from
the structure.
"You know now that the Jetsam you met is of the
Darkness," the Acara said softly. "I trust that you will not make the same mistake
I shook my head. "No. But why did the Jetsam
ask me to do such a crazy thing, anyway? He told me to come in here and get
the jewel so that he could release its magic and restore the palace. I didn't
really believe him," I added quickly, just in case the Acara got the wrong idea.
"But I figured I'd explore the palace a little anyway."
"The Jetsam was lying," the Acara said in her
way of stating everything as if it's automatically true. "The Sea Sapphire's
power has already been released and is flowing through the palace. It was triggered
by Naiyania's capture."
"Yeah. He told me this corny thing about not
being able to get the jewel himself because only a Flotsam can touch it." I
almost laughed at how silly that excuse sounded. The real reason he couldn't
touch it, quite clearly, was that no evil could enter the palace.
Then again… "Why could I enter the palace, if
it repels evil? I mean, I was practically taking orders from that Jetsam, and
he's evil, right?" I wondered if the Acara was going to tell me that I was naturally
inclined to good and thus I was allowed to enter. That wouldn't be so hard to
"You were enabled to enter because you are the
faerie pet." Excitement flickered across the Acara's face again, and she said,
"Yes, you are Floater, the faerie pet told of in the prophecies, destined to
release Naiyania and restore our good queen to her throne!"
I shifted uncomfortably, wishing she would stop
calling me something I wasn't. I hardly knew anything about faeries, and certainly
wasn't a faerie myself. Nut couldn't even afford a Rainbow Paint Brush for Quiggler
at the time, much less a Faerie one for me.
"Look, I…I think you've got the wrong Floater.
I'm not…I mean…I can't…I'd like to help," I said finally. "But I really don't
think I can."
"You can free Naiyania," the Acara stated. Her
way of saying everything as if it's true was starting to make me nervous. The
yellow Acara waved her paw around the strange carved letters in the walls of
the room, the undersea language I didn't understand. "The writing in this room
foretells your coming."
"I can't read it," I said.
The Acara pointed to a certain group of carved
letters. "There it is written, 'The power of Queen Naiyania will be held locked
within the Sea Sapphire until the day of her downfall. Then the Sea Sapphire
will be activated and will prevent evil from defiling the palace, as Queen Naiyania
would have wished, for as much time as passes before the day of her return.'"
"Okay," I said. "What does that have to do with
The Acara turned to face another part of the
wall and said in her steady voice, "Here is carved into the walls, 'Queen Naiyania
will be imprisoned many years. Then a pet will come, possessing faerie powers
of Water and Light, and will free our queen. And this pet's species is a blue
Flotsam, and her name is Floater. Naiyania will reign again.'"
The Acara turned back to me. I wasn't sure what
to say. The Acara had been reading in such a sure voice, as if she knew that
what she was saying was true. But she said everything that way. And I couldn't
read the writing on the walls of the room. For all I knew, the Acara hadn't
translated it correctly. Maybe it said, "Banans are yellow and juppies come
in many colors," and the Acara just wanted me to think it read what she said
it did.
Then again, the way she looked, standing there,
practically glowing with truth and light, made it hard for me to believe that
she would lie. But maybe there was another Floater out there somewhere who is
a blue Flotsam. It wouldn't surprise me. It couldn't be me. I just couldn't
imagine myself freeing Naiyania. For one thing, I couldn't do it. I had no faerie
powers, I was sure of that.
Then again, why had I been able to enter the
palace? Why had I been able to enter the room of the Sea Sapphire? The Acara
had clearly mentioned that no ordinary pet could just waltz in and do that.
Only pets under Naiyania's teachings, or a Water Faerie, or one possessing the
powers of one, could enter, according to the Acara. If that was true, then…
The thought scared me. I couldn't be a faerie
pet! I didn't want to be a faerie pet. I was just a carefree little Flotsam
living in Neopia Central. I was a completely ordinary pet with nothing special
at all about me. I lived with my owner and siblings, and had no association
at all with faeries. In fact, speaking of my owner and siblings, Nut and the
others were probably waiting for me on the beach. It had to be lunchtime by
"Look," I said to the Acara, a trifle uncertainly.
"I'd like to help, but I really can't. I appreciate your asking me, but I don't
have any faerie powers. And I really have to go now. My owner will be worried
about me."
My body wanted to leave, but my mind wouldn't
let me. Looking at that yellow Acara, practically radiating light, and looking
so expectant and hopeful, I felt a little ashamed to be leaving her like this.
She wanted to see her queen restored to the throne so much, and she thought
I could do it. Was I just going to go off and leave her here, doomed to spend
the rest of her days in this empty palace, waiting for the Water Faerie's return?
But why did I believe what the Acara was telling
me? She was a stranger, and she was telling me tales that belonged in a storybook,
not only about the sea, but also about myself! Why did I believe her?
I believed her because she looked truthful, so
much so that I couldn't imagine any other pet as genuine as she. There is one
problem with not believing anything until it's proven, and that's that if you
are faced with someone who is radiating truth and light seemingly from within
her soul, it's hard to suggest to yourself that she's lying when it's obvious
that she's not.
"Well," I finally said, after no small debate
in my mind. "What would I have to do to restore the palace?" This was sounding
a lot like the questions I was asking that Jetsam.
The Acara's face brightened, and her eyes shone
on me in a way that told me I was doing the right thing. "Naiyania was imprisoned
by a Jetsam, therefore you must find a Jetsam," she said. "Then release her."
"How?" I asked.
"You will have the power to release her then,"
the Acara stated. "Hurry now, for our good queen has been waiting long for you.
I will stay in the palace, lest I be captured, for the Jetsams immediately imprison
any pet that ventures into what was once Naiyania's ocean sanctuary."
"I wasn't imprisoned," I pointed out.
"You are the faerie pet," the Acara said. She
seemed to think that telling me that I was the faerie pet explained everything.
"The Jetsams recognized you. They know that they can use your power for themselves,
so they let you go, hoping that you could help them destroy the palace by taking
the Sea Sapphire. Now that you are helping to restore the palace, they will
seek to destroy you, or turn you back to them. Be careful! Don't let them imprison
you until you have freed Naiyania! Now, hurry!"
In a somewhat confused, extremely uncertain,
and very nervous state of mind, I swam out of the undersea palace, intent on
achieving a goal that I had no idea how to reach.
To be continued...