A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 196,715,897 Issue: 937 | 4th day of Relaxing, Y23
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword javascripter

Week - 910

The Tyrannian Traveling Agency
by fernandomf
Description: Would you be interested in travel with this agency? in collaboration with necromancer_6 and javascripter

Week - 916

Spot the Differences
by diblila
Description: 7 errors beep beep! Collab with fernandomf and javascripter

Week - 920

Neopets 21st Anniversary Cake Maze!
by gamador
Description: Can you help TNT blow out the candle? Please, no wax on the cake! Collab with javascripter and mimiweasley

Week - 922

Usul Games Crossword Puzzle
by javascripter
Description: How well do you know the Usul games in Neopia? Collab with milla_mussi and garrafa_de_plastico

Week - 931

Happy Illusen Day! Can you find the 7 errors?
by mimiweasley
Description: Will you be able to find all seven errors? Collab with twillla and javascripter

Week - 933

Festival of Neggs Celebration: Find the 10 Errors!
by belindaword
Description: It’s time to celebrate! Find the 10 errors while you wait for your negg! Collab with javascripter and gabi100pitty.

Week - 935

NQII Many Puns
by parody_ham
Description: And heal keep making puns, too. Collab with javascripter

Week - 937

Something Has Happened!
by javascripter
Description: Isn't that enough?? collab with the users d4nielgr and hasse_li_37

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Altador Cup - Preseason Inspection
Oh careful not to wake them! Collab with Spotsilver

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The Faerigan Altador Cup Special
As everyone is gearing up for the Altador Cup, even Neopia’s famous leaders are ready to cheer on their teams...

by parody_ham


Blossoms~ Heart to Heart Part 1
Magic is something to be proud of.

by twillieblossom


Choosing Sides
There's only one way to decide which Altador Cup team to support.

by ssj3gotenks18


Forgotten at the Battledome
Sometimes you just forget they're there until you go to the Healing Springs...

by rhythmfever

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