For an easier life Circulation: 194,089,139 Issue: 738 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y18
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword amethyst_81

Week - 631

Dreaming in Color
by amethyst_81
Description: Our story begins with the inspiration of the bright young Library Faerie, who wanted to share the eloquent faerie tales of her land with all of Neopia.

Week - 730

Rawr, the Fiercest Tasu
by amethyst_81
Description: “Shoy, do you think I'm fierce?" The query arose from a small speckled Faerie Tasu whose crystal blue eyes looked expectantly up at his best friend, Shoy.

Week - 738

Nightmare Masquerade: Part One
by amethyst_81
Description: Fate had been cruel to the Aisha, and she had lost everything she had ever held dear in her heart, but the cruelty had no end, for her dreams continued to haunt her. They were not dreams of sadness and loss that infiltrated her sleep.

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The Dreamer
The one thing that holds true is that everyone seems to have them and oftentimes, they struggle to explain what they mean. Neopians that struggle to interpret their own dreams often seek the counsel of The Dreamer.

by black_skull725


Pigments and Figments: Part One
But it was no good. Clearly, IT had gotten him. IT, the thing he had talked about for months. IT, the thing that had haunted him for months. IT, the reason he had not had good sleep in months.

Also by flufflepuff

by rielcz


Three Tomes to Tame Your Dreams
Admittedly, a dream is an unavoidable component of sleep, so it would be beneficial to better understand it. And as always, I rely upon the multitudes of fine bookshops in Neopia to aid in the mastery of this mystifying subject. After scouring many of these literary establishments, I found a selection of excellent volumes that I would like to share with you, dear reader, with the hope that these books will shed light on the mysterious nature of your sleep and dreams.

by binky1260


Tribulations of a Quest Sceptic: Part Two
But ultimately, she had no clue why she, the original quest-sceptic, was heading off to Neopia’s most eerie realm in the dead of night, in order to do the bidding of a temperamental Zafara.

by anjie


The Dream Stealer
But today, the topic was the one thing Fred could not contribute to: dreams. And so the orange Jubjub ate his sandwich in silence.

by vanessa1357924680

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