Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 188,752,736 Issue: 541 | 20th day of Eating, Y14
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword __bhu__

Week - 466

Heartless - Part One
by __bhu__
Description: Talk about a mood killer.

Week - 467

Heartless - Part Two
by __bhu__
Description: What a coincidence, eh?

Week - 521

The Worst Ever Comic
by __bhu__
Description: Somehow... this joke didn't help.

Week - 541

M47h M4dn355 - Totally Cool
by __bhu__
Description: The maths machine would give up anything for a good pun.

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Baby Adventures: The Secret Note - Part Eight
"I believe Jhudora alone knows where they are," Fyora told her.

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Only Hardcore
Tyrannian edition. Message sponsored by the Tyrannian Tourism Board.

by fressed


Why You Should Have Picked Rutu
Deductive reasoning is fairly straightforward and actually a discipline of mathematics. (That's right. You were tricked into doing math.)

by max02468


The Nut Farm
My Krawk has the intelligence of a Goldy.

by ramheart


Lord Darigan's Letter To The Editor
You have a Sloth Appreciation Day, for Fyora's sake! Dr. Frank Sloth, who experiments on innocent little Neopets and concocts potions that transform them into ugly mutants!

by heathorn

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