Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 188,752,736 Issue: 541 | 20th day of Eating, Y14
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A Place in the Country: Part One

"Oh, Mr. Jennings!" she said. "I am so excessively glad you could attend!"

Jennings smiled in response; he didn't think there was a part of the room that wasn't excessive in some form.

by herdygerdy

Greenglade: Part One

Laerya and Akorri had been traveling together for several days now. Lae, the Cybunny, had recently started learning magic – she'd taken an interest in the element of light, but her ability was limited.

by aquadaika
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"Effistella the Perfect" by dorotheasansa
I was born on the streets of Neopia Central. For the first few years of my life, I stole what food I needed, starved more often than not, and did what I could to avoid the pound. No one looked twice at me, a hungry, dirty Usul with small eyes and a skill for hiding. I was never named, never having had an owner, but developed a moniker after a few months of being shouted at by shopkeepers desperate to stop me from thieving. "Off!" they'd yell at me...

Other Stories


Effistella the Perfect
The first of many stories about Eff and Dodo. :]

by dorotheasansa


Lord Darigan's Letter To The Editor
You have a Sloth Appreciation Day, for Fyora's sake! Dr. Frank Sloth, who experiments on innocent little Neopets and concocts potions that transform them into ugly mutants!

by heathorn


Mop 'n' Bop – Mop ‘till you drop!
Place of the riot: a very dirty Hall of Heroes; the offenders: a group of Altadorian petpets; the victim: one VERY angry janitor!

Also written by lute248

by dawwetje


Why You Should Have Picked Rutu
Deductive reasoning is fairly straightforward and actually a discipline of mathematics. (That's right. You were tricked into doing math.)

by max02468


Heroic Mischief - Meerca Chase
Luna plays games in a different way.

Script by noobynewt

by matiassr_43


Muckla goes to school #5
Not an A, but possibly a C for inventing a liquid volcano!

by lovisa966

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