Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 188,752,736 Issue: 541 | 20th day of Eating, Y14
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Muckla goes to school #5

Not an A, but possibly a C for inventing a liquid volcano!

by lovisa966
Money Trail 2/2

Oh Em Gee, I'm M.S.P~ [& so, the Island Mystic shall have his way]

by shamaela
Only Hardcore

Tyrannian edition. Message sponsored by the Tyrannian Tourism Board.

by fressed
~Poor Tales~

If only Jelly World were real...

by dale08100
Wheel of... Intelligence?

+5 intelligence... Really?

by epicgiggle
Trophies For The Win

I won!

Idea by magnetismo

by cevierakasky

Heroic Mischief - Meerca Chase

Luna plays games in a different way.

Script by noobynewt

by matiassr_43

Sarriva, Cuiqui and Ornah- SCO! Holly? Scoh. Scoh!

Yeah, three Wockies! Woooohooo!

by neohappy123
Claare Should Be Grateful...

The only thing I don't like...

by dewdropzz
Riv: The Stain Part 1

Riv stars in an all-new series...

by halloweenkomoris
Scary Soup: Sticky Situation

That's how Key Quest works.

by raykitty
M47h M4dn355 - Totally Cool

The maths machine would give up anything for a good pun.

by __bhu__
The Goofers

GAH! It's a monster! ...again.

by lintsuf
Andy & Baxter #2 - We have the day off today!

So let's go to an adventure!

Also made by exausta

by dedags

Fruity Salad

You dare show your face?

by pooh_pooh_caca
The Nut Farm

My Krawk has the intelligence of a Goldy.

by ramheart
Saly's Club: Being Mean

I knew it all along!

by djudju22_8
Color Advantages

Invisible Pets: the champions of Kacheek Seek.

by cuku1902
Sassi Comics: The Wishing Well


by seiya_from_ashes

I wonder why...

by anhong_12
TeaParty: Glasses

Pick out a pair you like.

by thegoddesofxweetok1
A Bit Sketchy - Low Budget Prizes

To be fair, it was a great idea.

by raccoon353
Festival of Neggs 2012 - Meerca Love

Some Meercas have longer tails than others; discover why here!

by x_mystichorse_x
Odd Oddities

Only the toughest guys wear pink.

by aileen_nguyen
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All Those Negg Stems

As the 2014 Festival of Neggs draws to a close, a single question is on everybody's mind. That is, once all of the pets in Neopia have had their share of chocolate neggs, cookie neggs, maple syrup neggs, and countless other varieties of neggy delicacies, what happens to all of those poor, neglected negg stems?! What's that you say? That question has never come to your mind? Well, it has come to everyone else's mind...

Other Stories


In Memorandum
It all started several months ago when various Neopians began noticing the jolly king from Roo Island began some sort of negotiations with Alstaf Poogle, the Poetry Competition judge.

by lupe_hunter_7


Interview With A Larnikin
A small table sits in the middle of the room: a table littered with papers, a tiny terrarium, pencils, more papers, an open book, and something that resembles a horn used as a primitive sound-amplifying device.

by shy_gurl1983


Seven Types Of Heroes In Neopia
From the beginning of time, heroes have always been saving the world with their good deeds both big and small. But the big question is: do we really know everything about them?

by cherishtwilight


How to Use the Six Icons
I've found that a lot of the owners don't know anything about Icons – much like me before – even the ones who enjoy battling. So I've decided to make an article about the most basic things of battling, the six Icons.

by starluffy


Infinity: Part Eight

It was Wingen's voice, but Flicker couldn't find him anywhere in the room. But he flinched at what he did see: A small stack of papers floating in mid-air.

by blueys45


Out of the Shadows: Part Three
He jolted his head up and stared at her blankly, then followed her terrified gaze to his paw, which was slowly emptying a bottle of Essence of Everlasting Apple into the bubbling brew. He immediately jerked his paw, and the bottle skittered over the desk...

by rachelindea

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