Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 187,055,852 Issue: 514 | 30th day of Gathering, Y13
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We found the following 17 result(s) for the keyword crainwater

Week - 483

Any Job Will Do - Part 01
by crainwater
Description: Y'worry too much, Boss...

Week - 484

Any Job Will Do - Part 02
by crainwater
Description: JETSAM!

Week - 485

Any Job Will Do - Part 03
by crainwater
Description: Anything's safer than Dr. Frank Sloth...

Week - 486

Any Job Will Do - Part 04
by crainwater
Description: In which Neopoints make the world go round.

Week - 487

Any Job Will Do - Part 05
by crainwater
Description: Not Commander Garoo, Sir, that would be bad, Sir ...

Week - 488

Any Job Will Do - Part 06
by crainwater
Description: It will take more than a few kids to get rid of me...

Week - 489

Any Job Will Do - Part 07
by crainwater
Description: It's called a KILT!

Week - 490

Any Job Will Do - Part 08
by crainwater
Description: Ha Ha, don't tempt me...

Week - 491

Any Job Will Do - Part 09
by crainwater
Description: ...You wouldn't be capable of hitting a wall if it was in your face.

Week - 492

Any Job Will Do - Part 10
by crainwater
Description: In which he has ulterior motives.

Week - 508

As You Were - Part 01
by crainwater
Description: Please transmit the clearance code.

Week - 509

As You Were - Part 02
by crainwater
Description: I trust I don't have to tell you two to be on your best behavior.

Week - 510

As You Were - Part 03
by crainwater
Description: It's a skirt.

Week - 511

As You Were - Part 04
by crainwater
Description: I'm going to face my doom.

Week - 512

As You Were - Part 05
by crainwater
Description: They can't help it!

They're pirates!

Week - 513

As You Were - Part 06
by crainwater
Description: Your word doesn't mean anything if you're just going to break it.

Week - 514

As You Were - Part 07
by crainwater
Description: Wot d'ye think?

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