There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 144,089,195 Issue: 303 | 3rd day of Hiding, Y9
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword ichimatu

Week - 303

Takematu and Mystery Of The Kougra Paw
by ichimatu
Description: Oh... no!!

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Open Heart- Finale
I'm such an idiot!

by maiinoki


Protecting Yourself From the MSPP Plushie
So, your owner just spent 10 million neopoints on the MSPP plushie, assuring you that all those silly tales of pets who mysteriously disappear the night after they bought it are just urban legends, and that you'll have LOADS of fun with your new "buddy". LIES!!!

by fluffy645385


Neopets v2
Business as usual

by ooorianeoo


Dance It Up
The truth is, stereotypes are based on majority figures... and to have a majority, you have to have a minority, right? Ladies and gentlemen, it's nice to meet you... I'm Jake the yellow Elephante. I'm the minority.

by lovetheyardstick


Origami Buoyancy
A young Draik sits at the very middle of the den of her neohome, making an origami neopet with nimble fingers. One sheet of square paper...

by jen4ever4ree

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