Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 143,499,168 Issue: 300 | 13th day of Swimming, Y9
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Oh dear

by invalid_character

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Gothic Tails - Makeover Madness!
"Point that paint brush at someone else!!"

by sacred_darknezz


Life Isn't About Waiting for the Rain to Pass
The Christmas Pteri sighed again. Her mother could brighten up anything, she knew. She and her mother had used to live together on Krawk Island, but since that day, since that typhoon, long ago...

by dragondreamer2007


Edna's Shadow Punching
A little sparring with the Shadow...

by smockey11


The Number Three Hundred
Of course Issue Three of the Neopian Times was the easiest to find. In fact, some people begged us to take their copy...

by kittygirl5170

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