The Neopian Times Week 147 > Editorial |
Editorial Are you going to be doing anything else in The Ruins Of Maraqua? The place seems to be just sitting there now with no
significance except for the colouring pages and the Bubbling pit... - Cat_cat_cat23 In reply to the "the Neopets is Down For Maintenance Pteri", and turning it into a battledome opponent. I have another
annoying piece that was put out to torture Neopians that we could turn into an opponent. That would be the Wheel Of Monotony.
its driving me nuts but thank you bunches. - Benzchevychi
![]() Could you please consider making an avatar for the people who make it to the top ranks in the gourmet and book clubs.
I'd like to retire my pet from the gourmet club to give others a chance at that position but I'm scared you will release an
avatar after I fall. - Adodo64 What was the answer to the last Lenny Conundrum? It did not show it and people did not get the avatar and the prize. Is
this a glitch or did you get rid of that one? - Xthedragontamerx Where do you find Neocola tokens, when on Kreulodor it says you can find them on the space station but I cant find them
anywhere, could you tell me where I fight find them - Edgehead03
![]() ![]() ![]() Would you be willing to make some more Jeran things? Like an avatar or perhaps more books ect... I mean he is Meridell's
greatest hero yet there seems to be very little about him. I want to make a gallery dedicated to him but oddly enough *hint
hint nudge nudge* There isn't much I can collect. - Lily_bluewaters Can you please make the bank let people have more withdrawals as they increase bank levels and show the number of
withdrawals you have taken?? - Lizi71 Can the Staff TCG Tournament be played faster? I guess everyone of us is eager to know who will win it but it is still in
first round - Skysky1983 Is Dieter the Polarchuck's name pronounced as one who is on a diet or is it pronounced as the German name, Dieter? I
could guess, but I've learned the only thing I can truly expect from neopets is that the staff likes to be as random as a
bald wombat in a giant rubber glove. - Curlysloo
![]() What program is used to draw the Neopets? - Ofuwari How come you guys never mention Canada Day for the Canadian neopians? I for one feel unappreciated. Could you maybe do
something about that? - Evils_misstress I am fairly disappointed at the new Kougra. :( The Kougra was cute how it was, but now, its horrible. It was adorable
when it was sad, now its really, silly looking when its sad. Maybe you could change the Kougra back? Please? I loved it the way
it was :'( - Arwyn_1189
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