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The Neopian Times Week 147 > Search Page

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Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


Great stories!

The Defenders of Light: Part Fourteen
"We will do everything! All you have to do is finish him off," said Dr. Livingston. Barry's eyes turned white and he used his psychic attack to keep Cobra from moving anywhere.

by npmasterx01

Just Like You
"That's really cool, Zuro," he said admiringly. "I wish I could have been there. You do so many great things."

by mrs_fluff

Lifestyles of the Affluent and Illustrious: The Scratchcard Wocky
How and when did you start working for this kiosk?

by holycow81

Getting Past The Snowager
Chia Flour? I think I'm in love.

by stoneman3x

The Pet Patrol Revolution
Howdy, neighbor!

by neo_tomi

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