Meow Circulation: 188,131,372 Issue: 436 | 26th day of Running, Y12
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Short Stories

The Entreaty

As a rule Lisha did not attend balls, for she considered them both uncomfortable and insipid; and so it was to her great surprise that she found herself enjoying this one to a tolerable extent.

by jokerhahaazzz
Hannah and The Golden Dubloon

Ever thought of Hannah before she became Hannah the Brave, adventurer of Neopia?

by dudeiloled
The Birth of a Feud

Who knew that the biggest rivalry known to Neopia started with a Prissy Miss Bow?

by thropp
Heather and The Game

"It doesn't count as homework if it's a video game, Carl."

by grace_m_017
A Rainbow Dream

The Rainbow Chomby sat curled up in a corner, staring up into Faerieland blankly.

by candy_fish_popcorn
Who Knew the Ocean Wore Sandals?

It all began with the beach down at Mystery Island. My younger sister, Olivia, had begged our owner...

by lil_grape_arborz
Faerie Search and Rescue

This Saturday was Ria's turn to stock the family shop.

by faellieangell
Surprised 2: Am I GOING to the Faerie Academy?

"'Dear Cynthia's Mom,'" Lori whispered aloud, "'I was wondering if Cynthia could help the lunch faerie at the Faerie Academy...'"

by thornfoot2
Endings and Beginnings

"I can't keep you if you've failed."

by quickquotes
Search the Neopian Times


"Faerie Search and Rescue" by faellieangell
This Saturday was Ria's turn to stock the family shop. Though she could easily have done it while everyone else was awake, she dreaded the interference of her sister Milly. It wasn't that Milly meant to ruin things, Ria reflected as she quickly downed a faerie pancake. It was just that she was too eager. Plus, this wasn't just a normal restock...

Other Stories


A Classic Joker's Kit for Devious Neopets
I have compiled a perfectly well-rounded kit with all sorts of gadgets and tools that you can use to trick Neoschool classmates, the neighbor's gnome, and even your siblings!

by eggo__mini92


The Absolute Must Read Guide on Everything Liquid
Since the beginning of time, neopets have been drinking liquids. Yes, awe-inspiring, is it not?

by lynnalice


The Black Scarab: Part Two
Metal struck metal and sparks flew into the air as the two blades met. Sea Cat leapt up to face Avenger...

by medit92


Number 400: Part One
She was wise too. Behind that babyish façade, she understood everything with a cutting clarity...

by fallingrain05


The Sloth Who Stole the Negg Festival
"Bring me this Red Plastic Negg!"

by bestevergirlstogethe


The Random Times

by iamcute19usuls

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