There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 132,843,258 Issue: 270 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y8
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New Series

Whispers: Part One

"So pack your bags, we're gonna see the pyramids!" Aidne exclaimed as she stuffed the letter into a pocket in her faded blue jeans...

by betazoid_telepath
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Disappearing Deaver - Part One

"I really don't want to let you go, Simeon," the Captain said honestly, "but I will if it needs to be done. You well know that there are looters out there that come at night to steal. Don't let that happen to us; we've worked too hard for it..."

by playmobil_is_my_life
Revisited: Part One

The house was gargantuan, and the landscaping was marvelous and looked expensive. But what did the pets that lived inside it look like? Undoubtedly they were rich...

by puppy200010
Are We Still Friends?: Part One

Lord Darigan's muscles quivered with exhaustion, unwilling to obey his commands to hold him upright, commands that nearly turned into pleas. Not now. I can't collapse now, not in front of everybody...

by sarahleeadvent
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"Witchcraft and the Problem with Mould" by 74_countrychick_74
Mr. Mouldy wasn't the adventurous type. In fact, he would rather sit in some poor Neopian's inventory eating chips than be out on an adventure. Inventory, you say? Well, yes. Mr. Mouldy is a mouldy potato. One day, 74_Witchcraft_74 the blue Uni was patiently waiting...

Other Stories


Amayli could feel Ronni's violet eyes boring into her, analyzing her as an assistant and roommate. She didn't care. She found difficulty caring about anything anymore. Whether Ronni liked her or not, it was all biscuits to her...

by animalnutz1993


Witchcraft and the Problem with Mould
Mr. Mouldy wasn't the adventurous type. In fact, he would rather sit in some poor Neopian's inventory eating chips than be out on an adventure...

by 74_countrychick_74


Why We Love Wockies
No one knows exactly where the Wockies originate from, seeing as they have been in Neopia for a long time...

by luminoustarisma


Unique Constructions in Neopia
Construction, renovation, and revolution in architectural approach all around the globe of Neopia are really achieving their high peak. Dramatic changes could be seen all throughout year 7.

by shady_lanem


Alternate Ending
Who need expensive weapons anyway?

by leeloo18


The Neopals
*nod nod*

by roxanne_vergara99

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