Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 188,752,736 Issue: 541 | 20th day of Eating, Y14
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword kila__94

Week - 518

Halloween in the Haunted Woods
by kila__94
Description: Has it ever occurred to anyone how the Haunted Woods is affected by Halloween?

Week - 541

Why MAGAX Should Be In A Plot
by kila__94
Description: When I first saw the Faeries' Ruin plot, and discovered the chapter where it was stated that Hubrid Nox caused the Faeries to turn to stone, my initial reaction was, "YES!! FINALLY!!! MAGAX WILL PROBABLY GET INVOLVED!!!"

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The Cenoal Chapters: Duties Reclaimed - Part Five
The city had lost its glow, the walls stained by the blackened ashes of fire. Billowing clouds of smoke rose into the afternoon sky...

by kathleen_kate


Racing the Hurricane
I lie awake in my bed at night, listening to the rain pounding on the roof. Hurricane Acara, first of the season, is coming in.

by navycoat


Scary Soup: Sticky Situation
That's how Key Quest works.

by raykitty


Sarriva, Cuiqui and Ornah- SCO! Holly? Scoh. Scoh!
Yeah, three Wockies! Woooohooo!

by neohappy123


The Painter: Part Two
Mostly, other than maids stopping to give her food, she was left alone, which suited her just fine. Every morning, she would wake up from her peach toned bed with white rustling silken sheets, and she would watch the sunrise. It would inspire her, and then, she would stray to the paints that lined her wall.

by rrooaarrrr

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