Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 104,800,928 Issue: 204 | 18th day of Hiding, Y7
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword einstein20

Week - 196

Special Abilities
by einstein20
Description: "I want Esperanza to live unprejudiced but I don't trust that it could happen here. I wish she wasn't born with abilities. I don't want to lose her...."

Week - 200

Siyana of Talador
by einstein20
Description: I am a light faerie, a lady of Talador's High Council, or at least what is left of it after It came. My name is Siyana, and I'm the only thing my people have to count on...

Week - 204

Growing Abilities
by einstein20
Description: But now, all she wanted was to have a fitful sleep uninterrupted by the annoying dreams. They haunted her every night. They would show her birthplace but never the Kougra who lived inside of it...

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A Handy Guide to Getting Rich the Slow Way
Many guides found around the internet tell you how to get rich quickly, but how many will tell you how to do it slowly?

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Curse of the Revenge
He loved his grandfather. He always told Garin tales of his ancestors, all of whom were pirates. Garin vowed that one day he would follow in their footsteps...

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No, it's perfectly safe, really...

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Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Eleven
As Quaz had suspected, there was no sign of an attack by Scarback. The bustling village seemed in perfect order, and the three entered the gates...

by cpmtiger

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