Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 111,440,479 Issue: 193 | 2nd day of Relaxing, Y7
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword legilis

Week - 161

The Shadows in the Light
by legilis
Description: "Where is your owner?" it slipped out. I hadn't meant to ask that question, not yet, anyways. But it did seem such a beautiful, nice pet should have an owner.

Week - 164

One of Them No More
by legilis
Description: The Kougra hesitated a moment. What did it matter to him, this pet? It was no business of his. It was not his matter.

Week - 173

by legilis
Description: Who cares? I'm thirty!

Week - 173

The Odd Egg Out: Part One
by legilis
Description: The owner, a young boy, of about 12, was staring at the egg, staring, staring. It was as if he hoped that his staring would heal whatever haunted this egg.

Week - 174

The Odd Egg Out: Part Two
by legilis
Description: "SikalTsuna, SikalTsuna, where are you? My owner, my father, where have you gone?"

Week - 175

The Odd Egg Out: Part Three
by legilis
Description: While the two pets ate, Heromisan thought about something, something that was nagging at the back of his mind. Suddenly, it came to him...

Week - 193

10 Things You Should Never Do/Ask/Say to Queen Fyora
by legilis
Description: I wish someone had told me before I actually had to go through the results myself... For the results are pretty painful. Anyways, just read on. If you dare...

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The White Meowclops: Part Four
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A Shadow in the Light: Knowledge and Remembrance - Part Three
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Once Upon a Fyora Day
As the citizens of Faerieland awoke, excitement beat in each of their hearts. Today was the day to celebrate Queen Fyora!

by really_awesome_d00d

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