Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 194,831,969 Issue: 799 | 29th day of Gathering, Y19
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

The great portal room buzzed with life and sounds the small Aisha thought she’d never hear again. It was such a welcoming sound that she closed her eyes to soak up all the delightful sounds of Conjure once again breathing life into Neopia.

Autumn Hot Drink Recipes

Autumn is the type of year where you start consuming hot drinks… you want to feel warm and cozy inside when the air is brisk outside, right? With the weather becoming crisp and cool, I know I’d want to hold and sip something warm and refreshing. Something full of sugar and delight… or fruit, I mean fruit. Kids eat your five a day… *shifty eyes*

Ready For Fall & Halloween

If you're like me, your view outside has gone from kids playing with their kites and chasing down ice cream trucks... to warm jackets and rain boots, waiting outside in the rain for the NeoSchool bus to come. The weather is getting cooler, and soon the leaves will begin changing colors to the beautiful red, orange, yellow and browns.

The Girl On Fire

It’s all about keeping a positive outlook and hoping for the best. You can’t control much but you have to be ready for whatever gets thrown at you – literally!", Ember says as she prepares for the Annual Gormball Championships.

Other Stories
"The Draik in Search of Precious Kin" by _brainchild_
Chessella the Draik and her siblings were sitting on the benches outside their house, supervising their little sister, Walda the Kacheek. As the child played on the monkey bars, her three older sisters were consumed by boredom. They weren't interested in playground equipment, so they had nothing to do... or so they thought. Then Maldice, one of the other sisters, had an idea. "Hey," she began, "we've never explored that old tower before, even though we've been living here for a while. It's been in our backyard for a long time, yet we don't know what's inside. I've been wondering recently, so I think we should go investigate." "Bad idea, Maldice," answered Ella. "There are probably creepy bugs and snakes inside, which could bite you." "I was bitten by a Spyder once," pointed out Angie, another sister. "That was anything but fun." "I'm curious, though," insisted Maldice. "I wouldn't do it," Angie told her. "Curiosity kills the Kougra." "It can't be THAT bad! I'm gonna go look while you two watch Walda." Ella sighed. "Don't come crying to US for help," she grumbled. Maldice strode to the other side of the backyard, admiring the gorgeous blossoms within. Then she saw the tower. It had a rustic charm to it, which intrigued her. She also thought that the tower might have some historical significance. She had not always been interested in history, yet she had come to appreciate the subject as she read more and more books while in Brightvale. She tried to open the door, which abruptly creaked open after some effort. However, she was instantly confronted by swarms of Spyders and Batterflies. Unnerved, she slammed the door shut and took a deep breath. She sauntered back to her sisters to inform them of the disappointing results. "Swarms of creepy-crawlies," she sighed. "Told you," shrugged Angie. "You're lucky you weren't bitten." "I guess so. Let's take Walda inside. It looks like she's getting tired." "Okay," agreed Ella. She turned to the child. "Walda! You look worn-out. Let's go inside." "Alright," Fatigued, Walda followed her sisters inside.

"Shadow of Terror" by xale22
Many have stood in fear of the Shadow Usul, evil incarnate. Many have wondered where such a creature could have come from. Some suggested that it came from the Haunted woods, others claim it spawned from the darkness within other Neopets. All they can agree upon is that the being is pure evil. And yes, it's true that I, the Shadow Usul, am vile, cruel, and reprehensible. But I have much more to my story than many realize. I was summoned from darkness by a young apprentice seeking to understand the magic of the faeries, and evaded his sight soon after. I was the first to explore this land, and see what it could offer for me to corrupt. It was horrifyingly simple. Groups of other pets with no protection against a threat that could enter into their homes or lives whenever it wanted. This "Neopia" was a land open to the darkest impulses that I could think of. And I could think of quite a lot. Time and again, I stole what I could from them. From something as simple as an old toy, to a magic potion from the shop of Kauvara. Few could resist me. Those who did would knock me out for a time, but as soon as I could, I was gone. After all, I was more spirit than most spirits. And I felt powerful as I wreaked havoc on those who could not stop me. The only ones able to stand up to me were those cursed faeries. Their powers could actually damage me, and their courage was infallible. Even the Dark Faeries, who were more mischievous than their counterparts, fought against me with their might. I was powerless before them. A minor nuisance, nothing more. And worse, they seemed all too willing to help those I had hurt, ruining my gains from them, and weakening me in the process. It took some doing to find out why. But I eventually discovered that I was one of a great many spirits, known for dark power and heartlessness. Further, we had ruled Neopia before the arrival of those bastions of elemental power, the Faeries, and had been sealed away by them to avoid corrupting innocent Neopians. For our power came from fear and suppression, which fed us as it weakened those we tormented. .

"The Weewoo of the Island" by rock_star_megs
Sherbolt Haven, Neovia's #1 private detective, needed a vacation. Or rather, the residents of Neovia had decided that he definitely needed vacation. (Truthfully, the residents of Neovia desperately needed a vacation from Haven.) So it was on a cool summer evening that an emergency town hall meeting was convened. A few days prior, a hasty afternoon tea amongst the town's elders at the Crumpetmonger had come up with a plan to entice Haven to attend said town meeting (for he generally had no time for such trivialities, being an important and in-demand private detective, of course. One never knew when mysteries would come up, so Haven felt it was always best to be prepared and on standby). Mr. Cameron had persuaded Haven to attend under the guise of an urgent request to find his missing Green Antique Chair (which had somehow mysteriously – and conveniently – disappeared from his drawing room), and was adamant that there were clues to be found in the town hall itself. Never one to turn down a case or ignore clues (no matter how obscure or preposterous), Haven readily agreed to take on the case and meet Mr. Cameron at precisely half past 6 that evening at the town hall. (Haven had tried to tell Mr. Cameron that his presence was unnecessary – Haven's long-time and trusted assistant, Weatherby, would naturally be accompanying him, much to Weatherby's dismay – but Mr. Cameron was most insistent on watching the brilliant mind of Haven at work, so obviously Haven graciously allowed Mr. Cameron to observe him at the aforementioned time.) Promptly at half past 6, Haven, dressed to impress in one of his finest Prigpants & Swolthy Gnorbu-wool dark brown suits (specially customized for this particular Bruce, with a multitude of hidden pockets that any detective would require), arrived at the town hall, looking around for Mr. Cameron. "Hurry up, old chap!" Haven said, turning around to watch the slightly slower progress of Weatherby, a rather portly Usul as some would say, coming up the street. (Weatherby had just finished his supper before Haven dragged him out of the office, hence his slower pace.)

Come Take a Whack At It!

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